Page 38 of Mender

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Suddenly my heart was beating faster again, thundering away in my chest. I thought we’d had some time. The man had been dead, for God’s sake.

He was staring past me, and I realized he was looking at Hansen. My head snapped in that direction, where I saw the detective looking back. His long frame then buckled under him and he fell hard to the floor, head flopping as he hit it.

“Oh fucking shit,” I shouted as I realized what had happened. I ran over to Hansen, grabbed his head between my hands. His eyes were open, and I was in his line of vision, but it was as if he didn’t see me. His neck as lifeless as the rest of him. I gently let go of him.

“They belong to me now,” Thomás said behind me. There was no glee in his voice. It was a simple statement of fact.

“Then I’ll kill you again.”

“How many times do you think I’ll come back?” he asked.

“I only need you to die once,” I said as I ran a hand through Hansen’s hair. He might not agree, but this was not up for negotiation.

“And what about Ms. Kirby?” Thomás asked, the words so casual it made me want to spit at him.

“What about her?”

“She might be useful to my employers, but I’ll trade her for you.”

I sat still for a moment, glad I couldn’t hear the protests that had to be flying around Hansen’s head. This was not how you dealt with kidnappers. On any day, I’d agree with him. I knew Andrea could be useful, but I also knew my own ability would be too tempting for them. I heard Thomás grunt as he slowly got to his feet behind me.

“I’ll go with you on one condition,” I said. I didn’t move. Only looked down at Hansen’s face. He looked so non-caring at the moment. His expression utterly bland as he looked at me. It was so unlike him.

“I’ll free them,” Thomás said. No clarification needed. “When I know you’ll hold up your end.”

I nodded then and got up from my knees, my legs still hurting from his punches earlier. I turned around and looked at him, bright blue eyes staring back at me. He didn’t use his ability on me, though. He didn’t need to, did he?

I was trapped.

“I’ll need to see proof you’ll hold up your end,” I told him.

He clutched one hand to his chest and winced in pain, but indicated the door nonetheless. “You will. You simply have to trust me.”

I sighed and started walking. I had to step over Dr. Morris and pass her dead stare a moment. I didn’t trust him in the least, but he was right. I had no choice. And so, I walked through the door, escorted with an awkward and cold wet hand clamped around my neck, as my now kidnapper led me down the stairs and away from any allies I had.
