Page 25 of Love Unexpected

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“Lovely. Welcome back, sir, and we are pleased to have you joining us, ma’am.” She nods at me and I smile in response. “I’ll be back momentarily to grab your drink orders!”

“This place is nice.” The ambiance is chill but still somewhat sophisticated. Like a bohemian speakeasy complete with candles and low lighting causing an amber glow to bounce off of the beige walls that I can see from my seat due to the open-air seating.

Dominic leans back in his chair, stretching his lean legs under the table; one brushes against my leg and it’s as if he doesn’t seem to notice how much this innocent touch affects me. “I thought you’d like it. Do you know what you might like?”

“Everything looks great. I’m not sure.”

“Get whatever you want. Try it all. Whatever you don’t eat we can bring back. Or…do you want me to pick something out for you?”

The thought of him ordering for me seems so…sexy,and I can’t ignore the feeling that it is something he’s done for women he’s dated in the past.

Fuck. Like my mother.I squeeze my eyes together trying to put those thoughts out of my head.

What am I doing?I look down at my dress, wondering why in the world I’d chosen the tiniest and sexiest dress I owned to go out to dinner with my fucking stepfather.

“I’ll…I’ll be right back,” I say without answering his question and proceed towards the bathroom. I sensed some eyes on me as I proceeded through the restaurant earlier, but now without Dominic behind me, I feel completely on display. I spy nods of approval from men, and glares of annoyance from the women they’re with as I make my way to the bathroom. I’m used to attention from high school boys and the occasional man here and there, but it was never anything like this. I feel powerful and sexy. Maybe I’d feel more nervous under their eyes if I were here alone or under the influence, but being here with Dominic makes me feel safe.

“Excuse me, Miss.” I hear just as I begin to push my way into the bathroom. I turn my head and spot who I assume to be a waiter based on the clothes that matched all of the other waitstaff. He looks like he’s probably about my age or a little bit older, with sandy brown hair and chocolate brown eyes and a tan that could only be brought on by spending every day in the sun. “First, I have to ask…before I say anything. How old are you?”

A laugh escapes my lips at his carefulness not to hit on an underage girl. “I admire that, but don’t worry, I’m eighteen.”

He lets out a breath of relief and nods. “I just had to tell you; you are the most stunning woman I’ve ever seen in my life.”


I’d expected hot or pretty or even beautiful. But stunning? Me?

I know the shock on my face matches my thoughts. “Oh, thank you.” I smile at him and I know my dimple must pop out because his eyes widen even further.

“And you’ve got dimples. Shit girl, I think I just fell in love.”

“Alright, Casanova, I’ve got to hit the lady’s room,” I say pointing to the door.

“Wait, what’s your name?”


He puts a hand over his heart and shuts his eyes. “And a name that suits you. I’m Trent,” he says as he holds his hand out for me. I give him mine, and shockingly he raises it to his lips and places a kiss to my knuckles.That southern charm is real, huh?“That guy you’re with…is that…?” he starts, but stops, assumedly waiting for me to fill in the blanks.

“He’s my…” I start to answer with the truth, but something—and I’m not sure what exactly—stops me. “We’re not together if that’s what you’re asking.”

“It’s what I was asking. You live here or are you just here for the weekend? Because I’d love to take you out? Or if you’re around tonight, my friends are throwing a party later?”

“Stassi?” My head snaps towards the voice and I spy Dominic moving towards me with what seems to be an annoyed look on his face.

“Hi.” I smile and, surprisingly, one does not find his face in return.

“I was getting worried; are you alright?” He looks at Trent and then back to me and I nod, trying my best to keep tensions low.

“Of course.”

He gives Trent the once over and then me again before nodding at me. “I see. I’ll just meet you back at the table then.” A guilty feeling rips through me and I don’t know why.Is he…jealous?He didn’t even pull a ‘she’s my stepdaughter, so you better watch yourself,’ or any kind of fatherly shit he’s said in the past.

“He’s kind of intense,” Trent says as he raises his pierced eyebrow. “You may not be together, but he surely wants you to be.”

“I…don’t think so.” I shake my head.

“Alright,” he chuckles. “Well, can I have your number? I’ll text you when I get off, and see where you are?”
