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“Well done,” Papa said with an approving nod.

Susan and Aylesham and Mama entered the dining hall, but Papa shook his head at them, and somehow they understood his meaning and sat at a different table after filling their plates from the buffet.

Rebecca made an attempt at eating for the next few minutes, but there was still no sign of either Ben or Hugh. “How do you suppose they know each other?” she said.

“Any number of ways, I reckon,” Papa said. “School, university, mutual acquaintances. Winton may have spent the past year in mourning, but I daresay that, as a young lord, he spent his share of time in Town before then.”

“Of course you’re right,” Rebecca said before taking a sip of her punch.

It had been her natural reaction to show the two gentlemen to Aylesham’s study; she was grateful her instincts had responded to the situation as they had. Because Ben, although keeping himself under control, had definitely been angry. She’d seen his depth of emotion firsthand when she’d ridden her horse astride. Oh, yes, she’d recognized his anger tonight.

Her heart had initially leapt upon seeing Ben in the ballroom, although she’d had only mere moments before her joy had been replaced with dismay.Whathad made Ben so angry? Had he been jealous, seeing her dancing with Hugh? No, he wasn’t the type to respond in such an extreme fashion over a mere dance.

No, this hadn’t been about jealousy.

It meant Ben’s anger and actions were about something else altogether. And the only thing she’d observed in him that had distressed him to such a level had been his marriage.

Could this altercation with Hugh have something to do with that? Oh, heaven forbid it be that! She set her fork down, what little appetite she had fleeing at the thought.

“Ahem,” someone said behind her.

She turned in her seat. Hugh was standing stiffly behind her chair, his hands clasped behind him, his face grim. Papa also turned in his chair at the interruption, and Rebecca could sense that Mama and the others were paying close attention from their position across the room.

“Miss Jennings, Lord Thurlby,” Hugh began. “It appears I have been called away on a rather urgent personal matter. I’m afraid I must bid you farewell.”

“I hope it’s nothing of too serious a nature,” Rebecca said rather impulsively.Of courseit was of a serious nature, but it had been the polite response to make, she supposed, all things considered.

“Nothing you need bother yourself about, Miss Jennings,” Hugh said. “Unfortunately, it does mean I am returning home to Gloucestershire immediately and that our enjoyable time spent together this Season must come to an unfortunate end.”

Papa took a sip of his punch.

Rebecca had collected her wits by this time and stood. “Perhaps we may speak together briefly before you take your leave,” she said. “We have become friends over the past few weeks, have we not? I feel dreadful that you have been called away so suddenly. I shall walk you out.” Undoubtedly, more of an answer would be forthcoming from Ben, but she felt she owed it to Hugh, who had been nothing short of gallant to her. They’d only minutes ago danced a waltz together, for heaven’s sake!

She also trusted Ben.

What could have happened?

Hugh offered her his hand to assist her as she rose and then dropped it, clasping his own behind his back. Some of the other guests glanced their way, so Rebecca nodded to them, hoping to assure them that all was well, although Hugh’s face looked pale and tense.

They left the banquet room and walked down the corridor to the entrance of Aylesham House.

Stepping over to a corner of the entrance, away from the footmen so they could have some privacy, she turned to face Hugh. “I wish to thank you for your kindness to me this Season, Hugh,” she said. “I have enjoyed your company.”

“As have I enjoyed yours,” he replied. “And yet, sadly, I believe it is in everyone’s best interest that I leave.” His face had gone from grim and somewhat ashen to red and tinged with anger. He lifted his chin.

“Whatever the reason may be, I’m sorry to hear it,” Rebecca said.

“If only circumstances could be different,” he said. He bowed, and she offered him her hand. “Thank you for your acquaintance, Miss Jennings. I shall treasure our friendship. I hope you will look fondly on our time together.”

“I’m sure I will, Mr. Mandeville,” Rebecca said.

He bowed again and took his leave. Rebecca remained until the entry doors closed behind him before returning to the banquet room and Papa.

“What an unusual turn of events,” Papa murmured when she returned to where he was seated. “I must say, the whole thing makes me rather curious. But my curiosity shall have to wait to be satisfied.” He rose to his feet. “My lovely Miss Jennings,” he stated in a formal voice. “While I have already had the pleasure of dancing with you this evening, I see that you are without a partner, and I doubt anyone will be dismayed at your bestowing the honor of a second dance upon your old papa. May I have the honor? Or is there a gentleman’s name on your card who has already claimed your next dance?”

“Oh, Papa!” Rebecca said. What a wonderful father she had! “I should dearly love to dance with you, and you and I both are fortunate in that the next dance has not been claimed by anyone else—nor is it a waltz.”

“Excellent,” he said. “On both counts.” He offered his arm to her. “Let us go to the ballroom, then, and take a turn, shall we?” Mama and the others were still watching them as he led her out onto the dance floor.
