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“Yes, indeed, it is very flattering, Isobel,” Lady Thurlby said. “But I thought—” She glanced at Lavinia. “Well, never mind what I thought.”

Isobel dished food onto her plate and took a seat next to Rebecca. Clara took a single slice of toast.

“How are you feeling this morning, Clara? Better, I hope?” the viscountess said, attempting to change the conversation. “Clara is in the family way again,” she explained to Lavinia.

“Not really,” Clara said.

“Your color is much improved,” Lady Thurlby said.

“It’s the dress.”

Poor Clara. The day dress of soft-pink muslin she was wearing did flatter her, despite her being a bit under the weather this morning.

The viscountess patted her hand. “Did you get any sleep last night, dear? That’s it, isn’t it? You were in the nursery most of the night again.”

“Samuel is cutting a tooth, and Mrs. Wynn can’t see to him and keep up with all the other children come morning,” she replied.

“The dress is a lovely choice, and I’m sure it is one of your favorites when you are feeling well,” Lavinia said. “May I offer to help with the children? I know Hannah would be delighted to help as well.”

“That’s really not necessary, Lavinia,” Lady Thurlby said. “You have otherresponsibilities to see to, and Mrs. Wynn is a very capable nurse.”

“Lavinia had been telling Susan and me how she and Lucas met and fell in love,” Rebecca interjected rather unnecessarily.

Isobel set down her fork.

“I would dearly love to meet the children, Lady Thurlby, and I’m sure Mrs. Wynn would appreciate having a brief respite,” Lavinia said, wishing to avoid the subject of love, especially with Isobel present. “Lucas would enjoy getting acquainted with his nieces and nephews too. Perhaps he will join us when he returns.”

Clara’s eyes brightened at the idea, and the change to her countenance was remarkable.

“Good point,” Lady Thurlby said. “Very well, then. Between Lavinia and her friend, they should be able to handle your combined six for an hour or so later this afternoon, eh? Clara? Isobel? Better yet, I will join you, Lavinia. Anhour or so with the children would be delightful.”

“Thank you, Lady Thurlby,” Lavinia said.

“Oh, I wish we could join you, but Susan and I have promised to make calls in the village.”

“Indeed,” Susan said. “I daresay the calls could wait for a different day, were it not for the fact that Mrs. Smith’s nephew is visiting from Cambridge and Rebecca would like to be introduced before he vanishes.”

“Oh, Susan!” Rebecca poked her in the arm.

“Thank you so much,” Isobel said, offering the same acidic smile to Lavinia that she had before. “Sadly, I won’t be able to join you either.”

Lavinia smiled back at Isobel with more treacle than acid. She lovedchildren, and spending time with them was sure to be a welcome diversion from everything else that was going on. “If you’ll excuse me, I shall go inform Hannah of the plans for later.” Besides, it was getting to be late morning, and she wanted to be sure Delia and Artie were not off wandering on their own, weaving tall tales about Lavinia’s childhood to all and sundry.

And then she was going to lie down with a cold compress on her forehead. If only for a minute or two.
