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On the second phrase, Lavinia added her voice in harmony. Their voices blended well, and soon they were sensing each other’s musical nuances—or so it seemed to Lucas, untrained as he was.

Much too soon, the song ended, and there was a moment’s pause as everyone savored the music before breaking out into enthusiastic applause.

“Oh, well done, well done, all of you!” his mother cried, clapping.

“That was the prettiest thing I’ve heard in an age,” Clara said, dabbing at her eye with her handkerchief. “Sorry. Don’t mind me. I’m a watering pot these days.”

Delia sighed gustily.

Lavinia and Isobel shared a look—Lucas held his breath—and then they smiled at each other. It was the slightest of smiles, true, but it was, perhaps, the beginning of reconciliation. And with that shared look, Lucas realized he no longer envied Thomas or harbored resentment toward Isobel. He wanted peace with them. He was no longer in love with Isobel—and most surprising of all, he realized he probably hadn’t been for a long time.

Pride could make a man do foolish things.

It was time for him to congratulate them on their performance. He crossed the room. “What a visionary you are, Rebecca, as well as being so much more accomplished on the pianoforte than I remember. Asking these two to perform together was brilliant.”

Rebecca beamed at him, and Isobel and Lavinia turned to acknowledge his compliment. “Thank you, Lucas,” Rebecca said. “Perhaps Susan isn’t the cleverest of your sisters after all.”

“I heard that,” Susan called from across the room.

Rebecca giggled.

“Isobel, Lavinia, you were enchanting,” Lucas said. “No one would ever know you had never sung together before. Brava to you both.”

Isobel’s eyes traveled from Lucas to Lavinia and back again. “Thank you, Lucas,” she said, smiling. “That is generous of you.”

“Yes, thank you, Lucas,” Lavinia said, her eyes glowing. “It was a privilege to sing with such a gifted vocalist as Isobel.”

“It was a joy to hear you sing once again, Isobel. You have a great gift, you know, one I enjoyed even as a boy. Now, I’m afraid I must steal Lavinia from you, if you’ll excuse us,” he said.

Isobel’s face fell slightly, but she recovered nicely. “But of course. Lavinia, it was truly a pleasure. Perhaps we can sing together again soon? I would enjoy it very much.”

“I would like nothing better,” Lavinia replied.

Isobel nodded, and Lucas led Lavinia from the sitting room to the corridorbeyond. “I am leaving for Primrose Farm. Allard has written. The farmhouseshould be habitable by sometime next week. I wish to inspect the work anddiscuss the next plans with him.”

“Oh, I wish I could go with you, Lucas. I’m interested in seeing the work being done for myself.”

“In time, Lavinia, all in good time. Next week will arrive soon enough.”

“When it is habitable, my friends and I will be returning there to live,” she said as though to put him on notice. “We cannot remain guests here in your parents’ home when we will have a perfectly suitable home of our own in which to stay.”

“I understand.” He was already aware of what the information in Allard’s note had implied. The farmhouse’s completion meant Lavinia would be gone, and they would have to proceed with their plans to end their feigned betrothal.

He kissed her hand and bid her farewell with a heavy heart.

* * *

“Ho, there, Lucas,” James called as Lucas walked toward the stable to get Hector, who was saddled and ready for him.

He turned and held his hand to his eyes to block the overhead sun. James was striding toward him, and not far behind him were Thomas and Isaac, with Finch bringing up the rear. “I thought I might ride with you to this little property you’ll be gaining by marrying that delectable heiress of yours, and then this lot decided they ought to tag along. Doesn’t anyone have anything better to do around here than gallivant up and down the countryside?”

“Iam not joining you today,” Finch said indignantly. “ForI dohave work that needs to be done. I am merely giving Lucas the banknotes for funding the next work projects. Here you go.” He handed the notes to Lucas with a dramatic flair that would have made Artie proud before returning the way he’d come.

They all watched him go before looking at each other and breaking into laughter.

“Four brothers back together again, eh, Lucas?” James said. “It wants only Simon and the set would be complete. Is he returning home, by any chance?”

“If he’s not here within the next day or two, our mother will probably petition the Home Office for his speedy apprehension and return,” Isaac said.
