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When they were all seated, Lucas spoke. “I believe it is time to clear the air,” he began. “Time to speak openly about the past so we may go forward with open hearts and clear consciences into the future.”

“I will start, then,” Isobel said.

“No, my dear, let me,” Thomas interrupted. “Lucas, I knew of your attachment to Isobel. I was twenty-nine and Father’s heir, and in my arrogance, I thought myself a more worthy match for her than you and didn’t hesitate to court her as a result. It was wrong of me, and I blamed myselfwhen you left in bitterness and enlisted in the army. Every day over thelong seven years you were in Spain, I expected a letter to arrive announcing your death. I think I became resentful to you over that guilt I felt—odd as it may seem.”

“It is my turn, Thomas, my dear,” Isobel said, laying her hand on Thomas’s arm. “I have always loved you dearly, Lucas. You know that. I even thought myself in love with you for a time. But you were always . . . braver . . . than I. I enjoyed our frolics here in the safety of the parks of Alderwood, but I think I always sensed that your soul was much more daring than mine. I longed for security and steadiness, and I quickly saw that Thomas had those qualities. I fell in love with him. Had I known the pain it would cause you, I would have done things much more differently. All the same, I do not believe I would have married you, dear though you were to me—for Thomas was and is the husband of my heart.”

“And while I was arrogantly proclaiming myself a more suitable match for Isobel back then,” Thomas added, “I will ruefully agree with Isobel that I am less inclined to face risk and challenge than you. I hope that doesn’t count against my manliness.”

“Oh, Thomas,” Isobel said. “You aresucha dear man.”

Lucas nodded thoughtfully. Was it really just that simple? Now, in this moment, he could hear their words and understand and accept them. Seven years ago, he doubted he would have. They could have talked for hours, explaining themselves over and over, and he would not have heard what they were telling him.

“I was hurt by both of you,” he said. “I felt horribly betrayed. My home here at Alderwood no longer felt like my home with you here, married to Thomas. I think perhaps you are right, Isobel; I think there is an element of my character that longs for challenge, although I don’t think I realized it back then. Enlisting was a rash thing to do and demonstrates clearly a willingness to take risks. I could have gone back to Cambridge and simply kept my distance from Alderwood, but I set out to do something utterly dangerous. Perhaps I intended to make you all suffer. Perhaps I wanted you to await that letter that never arrived, Thomas. I do not know. By then, I was too busy learning how to stay alive to think about such things. When I arrived home this time, it was with hurt pride and nothing more.”

“I’m so glad to hear this, finally,” Isobel said, tears blossoming in herclear, blue eyes. “I told Thomas I felt I must write to you and explain thatyou were loved and wanted here at home, and he agreed. But you didn’t write back.”

“I misunderstood the reasons behind your writing,” Lucas said. “Let us leave it at that.”

She smiled and nodded, dabbing at her eyes with her handkerchief. “And then when you finally arrived home, it was such a shock to hear you announce your betrothal to Miss Fernley. We were all shocked at the news, quite frankly. She seemed so, I don’t know—excessivelybeautiful. It seemed utterly wrong somehow, and I’m afraid I felt a bit protective of you, perhaps even possessive. But as I have gotten to know her, I can see how loyal she is to those elderly cousins of hers, and she also seems to have the same ability to face challengesthat you have. She is a better equal to you than I ever would have been.”

The children were knocking over the blocks and laughing, and Lucas gazed at them with fondness. “You have a beautiful family,” Lucas said. “Edmund and Sarah are fortunate to have you both. Perhaps one day, I will be as blessed as you are.”

“That day appears to be looming large on the horizon,” Thomas said.

“One can hope,” Lucas said. He stood. “And now I will leave you to finish reading your story to your children.”

“Thank you, Lucas,” Thomas said, rising to his feet and shaking Lucas’s hand before pulling him into a tight hug. “And welcome home, at last.”
