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“I sent one of the maids to wake her,” Susan said. She and Rebecca were still in the doorway, with Isobel and Clara standing behind them. She remembered now that Lucas’s brothers—allof them—and his father had also been in the corridor when she’d arrived. They’d all had smiles on their faces, as had Rebecca and Susan when they’d awakened her. If she’d but noticed, she could have spared herself a great deal of anxiety, especially considering how trulyradiant Delia currently looked. She was nowhere near death’s door.

Artie suddenly popped out of his chair. “Excuse me, Delia, my dearest love. I shall be right back.” He bowed with a flourish and kissed the hand she held out for him. It was all accomplished with such pageantry that Lavinia wanted to laugh—if she hadn’t wanted to cry.

“Lavinia, Lucas, I hope you will congratulate us on our good news. Deliaand I are to be married.” He looked about to burst his buttons with pride.

“What?” Lavinia asked, although it was more of a rhetorical question; after what she’d observed in the middle of the night, it seemed only natural that something like this would have occurred between the two of them, finally.

“No surprise there, sir,” Lucas said. “A hearty congratulations to you both. I’m so pleased Delia has made such a remarkable recovery.”

“You must hear the entire story,” Artie said. “Delia, we must tell these two our story, don’t you agree?”

“Of course, Arthur dear, but it might be better to wait just a bit. For Hannah, you know, and perhaps we can include Dr. Ellis too.”

“Good idea! Splendid idea! Oh, it is such agrandstory, Livvy. Such a wonderful day it is!”

Artie blew a kiss to Delia and then strutted out the door to share his news with Lucas’s family. He could hardly contain himself, so joyful he was; Lavinia couldn’t help but smile. She could hear the hearty congratulations and backslaps from Lucas’s brothers and the well-wishes of his sisters and sisters-in-law—for both Delia’s return to health and the announced betrothal.

Lady Thurlby arrived with the doctor at nearly the same time Hannah arrived. They joined Lavinia, Lucas, and Artie in Delia’s room and closed the door behind them. “Lord Thurlby has sent the rest of the family about their business. They have heard the news and given you their congratulations, I am sure.” She gestured toward Delia. “Here is our patient, Dr. Ellis, looking as fit as ever, as you can plainly see.” Lady Thurlby said, a twinkle in her eye.

“I hope you can explain what has happened,” Lavinia said. “Delia’s recovery is nothing short of miraculous.”

“I know precisely what has happened. I was able to diagnose her correctly yesterday when I was here.”

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“I knew there was something amiss, and my private examination quickly confirmed my suspicions.”

“Indeed,” Lady Thurlby said, fighting back a smile.

“And it worked, Dr. Ellis, as I told you it would,” Delia said, beaming.

“Whatworked?” Lavinia asked, feeling as if an entire conversation was eluding her.

“Why don’tyoutell them?” Dr. Ellis said, smiling at Delia.

Delia straightened up against the pillows and shot a victorious look at Artie. “Sleeping Beauty, that’s what,” she said.

Lucas began to chuckle.

“Sleeping Beauty?” Lavinia repeated.Sleeping Beauty?And then it suddenly dawned on her. She turned and glared at Delia. “I knew it! You little schemer.” She shot an accusing look at the doctor. “And you are telling me youknewshewasn’t unconscious? That she wasacting? And you didn’ttellus!”

Dr. Ellis smiled. “Miss Weston is a most charming and persuasive patient, Miss Fernley. She is also ticklish. It was easy enough to uncover her deception when I examined her more thoroughly, but then she begged Lady Thurlby and me to keep her secret for a little while. It seems she’d had a reluctant suitor for several years now and felt it was time to give him a push. Congratulations, by the way, Miss Weston, Mr. Drake.”

“Thank you, sir!” Artie said, reaching over to pump the doctor’s hand in a vigorous handshake. “I am the most fortunate of men.”

Lucas was laughing so hard tears were streaming down his face. “Well done, Mama. Conspiring with Delia and Dr. Ellis in this. I commend you!”

“I recognized Miss Weston, shortly after your arrival at Alderwood,” Lady Thurlby explained. “I thought she looked familiar, and I eventually recalled that I had seen her onstage during my first Season in London. Lady Macbeth, she was back then. Wonderful. But it was all so many years ago, it took me awhile to sort it out.”

“Thank you for the compliment, Lady Thurlby,” Delia said before taking a bite of scone.

“I did inform your father, I would have you know, Lucas, although the secret will remain between him and those of us in this room, if you please. And it was quite a chore, even if it was for only a single day and night. Mr. Drake was most insistent about staying with Miss Weston at all times. I could barely coax him out of the room so the poor woman could eat and use the necessary on occasion.”

“My sincerest apologies, Lady Thurlby,” Artie said.

Lady Thurlby waved her hand in dismissal. “Quite all right. It all worked out rather well in the end, and it was great fun to be in on the deception. I haven’t enjoyed myself so much in years.”

Lavinia felt dizzy and confused—and slightly queasy—as though she’d taken a blow to the head. “You knew you were playing host to actors all along, then? But what of the scandal it could have caused the family? What of that?”
