Page 18 of A Perfect Discovery

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‘Who said I wasn’t?’

‘Come on, ladies.’ Ron dropped onto a seat, balancing a plate loaded with burgers and sausages. ‘Eat up and leave him alone. He’s capable of finding himself a girl or two. Aren’t you?’ Ron flicked him a wink.

‘Actually, yes. But right now, I’m perfectly happy on my own.’ All true. Casual hook-ups curdled his stomach. So much effort and for what? Where was the connection, the bond… the love? And if love happened slowly, he was down and out. But wasn’t it meant to hit you like a cruise liner? His birthday card should readthirty-three and still waiting.

After they were stuffed with burgers, Anne brought out a cake decorated like the sea. She’d stuck a toy yacht on top of it and moulded a mini island from green icing. Had he ever had a birthday when she hadn’t done something special? Nope. Every time. A truly awesome mum. Warmth surged in his heart. They may not be rich people but they’d always showered him with love. If only he could hug her and tell her how much he appreciated her efforts but no… Closeness even with his parents made him edgy. Even though they might be the only people who found him loveable. He shuddered and his shoulders twitched. Nothing could shake off the unclean feeling. The acne had started it. Then the Arran incident. Now, he was the hated landlord with the bad reputation.

‘This is a mini version of your new toy.’ Anne waggled the yacht, then kissed his cheek. ‘Have you taken her out yet?’

‘Only once. I haven’t had time. I’ve been so busy with the properties.’

‘Your dad’s itching for a go.’


‘Good lad.’ Ron winked at him.

Anne lit the candles and Calum blew them out. Everyone burst into a chorus of ‘Happy Birthday’.

Where to look? His neck burned. This was beyond cringy. He forced a smile. Had it worked? When they stopped, he wolfed his slice of cake before getting to his feet.

‘Sorry, but I have to go. I’m meeting Will shortly.’

‘Aye, for the piss up.’ Ron knocked back a swig of beer. ‘Off you go then and have one on me.’ He stood and shoved a ten-pound note in Calum’s pocket.

‘I don’t need your money, Dad.’

‘I insist. Take it and bugger off.’

Anne wrestled Calum into another hug.Relax and accept it.But no, his muscles stayed tense. He patted her back stiffly. ‘Thanks, Mum. I appreciate all this. It’s so good of you.’

‘Don’t be daft. It’s nothing. Just a little something for your special day. And mine. It was thirty-three years ago I got the best present I could have wished for. A beautiful baby boy. I’ll never stop being proud of you. You’re the best son I could have.’

Even after what he’d done to Arran Lamond, she still believed in him. She always had. When she’d been called to the school after the incident, she’d sat with him, clinging to him, like she was doing now, only shaking. ‘It’ll be ok. It’ll be ok,’ she’d said over and over. Numbness froze his blood. Arran’s lifeless body was at the bottom of the stairs. Whatever Arran had done, he didn’t deserve that. No one did. ‘It’ll be ok. I’ll make sure of it.’ But how could she? He’d unleashed a violent monster. Had it left him now or did it lie dormant, waiting to strike another victim another day?

He jumped into his 4x4 and switched on his phone. That loopy message from Rhona Lamond sprang into his head. He tapped his fingertips on the wheel. If she was genuine, it could save him a lot of money. Money? Christ, here he was again, living up to the same old reputation.

But a chance for something else lurked here. He could employ her, watch her like a hawk, save the money, and if she tried to unearth something fake, he’d bring her and the Lamonds to the ground. His hand hovered over the screen.

How to reply? No way was she going anywhere near that site alone. He’d meet her in person. Much easier to gauge her responses. Will said she was nice and nice people were crappy liars. Reading her would be easy. He’d discover if she was genuine or if she was working as Alister’s puppet – most likely.

He pulled up the email and typed a quick response.

Dear Miss Lamond,

A dry smirk tugged his lips.

Thank you for your email. Your proposal is interesting but I will need to have a face-to-face discussion with you before I make any commitment. If you could make an appointment to meet me either at the Kilnarkie site or in my office at Tobermory then I would much appreciate it.


Calum R. Matheson

Maybe add esquire to the end of his name? Why the ludicrous formality? Was she drunk or on something? As he sped north, he weighed the possibilities. Other people were gullible enough to be taken in but not him. When he’d fully investigated every option, he’d make his decision and not before.

Rhona Lamond. Blonde hair flying in the wind. A lightweight top hugging delicious curves. Blue eyes. Long lashes. A sweet smile. A fire blazed in Calum’s belly. ‘Jesus, shit’. He scraped his hand through his hair.Must take care.Developing a fascination with her was plain crazy. He’d navigated his way past plenty of intelligent, kind and good-looking women over the years, saving them from him and his demons. But inflicting himself on his worst enemy – or his worst enemy’s sister – was too low even for Calum Matheson to stoop.

Chapter 7
