Page 36 of A Perfect Discovery

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‘Another few weeks and that’s about as long as I dare because Arran’s coming back for a holiday, and if he finds out…’ Rhona clenched her knuckles. ‘He’ll murder Calum. But it should be done by then, unless I unearth something special.’

‘Do you think you will?’

‘Probably not. It would be exciting if I did but Calum wouldn’t be happy.’


‘It’s already taking too long and costing too much for his liking.’

‘Oh dear. Is he awful to work for?’

Rhona huffed out a little laugh. ‘He’s not as grumpy as his reputation.’

Kirsten raised her eyebrows. ‘We always thought you had a crush on him at school.’

‘Don’t be ridiculous.’ There, she’d done it again, as she had back then, denied her interest because he wasn’t cool enough. Who would have found the boy with the spotty face attractive? They’d have laughed her off the island. Rhona liked to fit in and not rock the boat.

Now, she couldn’t admit it without going against her family. But this was an impartial friend. ‘Maybe I did. A bit.’

Kirsten shook her head and laughed. ‘I knew it. Wait until I tell Cha and Ann-Marie.’

‘There’s no need to spread it around like that.’

‘Cha was more convinced than me. She spotted you doodling RL hearts CM on a jotter at school but you’d scribbled it out before she got a proper look. She had us watching constantly. All I ever noticed was that you went hysterical whenever he came anywhere near us. I remember one time he, Arran and Will were at the farm visiting Beth and you were itching to nosey at what they were doing, and when he walked in, you burst into a fit of giggles and couldn’t talk for about an hour after.’

Rhona covered her face. ‘I thought I was doing such a great job of hiding it but I was making it worse.’ She sighed. ‘I’m so glad those days are over.’

‘I take it you don’t still go into convulsions when you see him.’

‘Not that kind, no.’

Kirsten put her hands on her hips. ‘Explain that.’

Time to zip it? But if she couldn’t confide in a friend, then who? The desperation to tell someone was burning a hole inside her. She could message Cha or the Mullsketeer group and have a less personal online discussion that might spare some of her blushes but Kirsten was here and available to listen.

‘I still have a crush on him.’


‘Yup. Every time I see him, I want to jump his hot body.’

‘Oh my god. You are joking, aren’t you?’ Kirsten gaped, her expression torn between shock and pity.

Rhona shook her head. ‘Nope. It’s true. But nothing can happen.’


‘Er, because he’s Calum Matheson. The one whose family we don’t speak to.’

‘Wow. This is a proper littleRomeo and Juliet.’

‘Yeah, well, in a few weeks, we’ll part ways and I’ll forget all about him. I’m not that far gone that I’m going to drink a bottle of poison and die crying over a pair of his boxer shorts.’ Though somewhere in a back cavity of her heart that was exactly what she wanted to do.


After skiving off on Thursday, Rhona made sure she was at the site bright and early on Friday. She left before either of her parents were up and stuck a note to the table saying she’d gone to see a friend. Partially true, though not one they’d approve of.

Calum had said he would come on Friday to check the week’s work and Rhona’s skin prickled. When would he arrive? She worked her way around the perimeter of the house’s proposed footprint, marking off every area she considered part of the Iron Age dwelling and requiring further investigation. Realistically the remaining project could be done in a week. Eking it out to keep seeing Calum was silly.
