Page 43 of A Perfect Discovery

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‘Can’t we pay to keep it? I’d hate it going to waste. It’s such an amazing representation. At the dig I just see mud and holes dug in the ground. But this makes sense of it. I’d love to show it to people.’

Rhona smiled, feeling taller, more confident, more important. ‘You can buy the completed reconstruction and use it wherever you want. But I wouldn’t be able to add anything to it after that.’

‘Find out how much. I really want it. This explains it so well to idiots like me who can’t visualise it.’

‘You’re hardly an idiot.’

‘You’re so talented, you know?’ Calum swivelled on the stool to face her. Their eyes met and resumed their silent bonding. ‘You’re wasted in what you do. Not entirely, you’re good at that too, but this…’ He gestured back to the screen. ‘Is just wow.’

Rhona glanced at her feet and sucked in her lips. ‘It was mostly the software.’

‘No, Rhona. It was mostly you. You can work the software and get it to look like a dig that only you and I have seen. That’s you, not the computer.’

She tilted her head. ‘Thanks.’

Calum slapped his thighs and got to his feet. ‘So, find out about the cost and let me know.’ He made his way to the door and Rhona followed. At the bottom of the stairs, he peeked into the open-plan living area and out towards the garden. ‘It’s changed so much. That summer house looks amazing. It’s the kind of thing I want for my office when I upgrade the container.’

‘That’s my mum’s studio. No one’s allowed in. She’s very precious about it.’

‘Is she? So, I better not go snooping around then. Imagine me not only getting caught here but getting caught in her private studio.’

‘It’s locked and she probably has the key, so you couldn’t get in anyway. I could show you in the window if you want.’

‘Not a great plan.’

‘You only live once.’

‘I thought you’d reincarnated several times through your Iron Age people?’

‘Haha. Come on.’ Rhona giggled and grabbed her trainers from the front porch.

‘I have a bad feeling about this and I’m not someone who’s prone to that kind of thing.’

She led the way into the garden. ‘Out of luck.’ The blinds were drawn.

‘What does she do in there that it’s so top secret?’

‘She paints, but she doesn’t like anyone seeing what she’s done until she’s finished.’

‘A real perfectionist.’

‘Totally and utterly.’

Calum slung his hands in his back pockets and surveyed the garden. ‘It’s a lovely spot. And you’ve still got the tree house. I always wanted a tree house, but our garden wasn’t suitable. No trees.’

‘Do you want to have a look?’

‘I won’t fit in it.’

‘You will. Come and see. The view’s amazing. I cleaned it out when I came home. I like going up there and watching the sea.’ Rhona crossed the garden and climbed the slightly dodgy ladder. She hauled herself in and sat on the edge, peeking down. Calum was still at the bottom, frowning and squinting around.

‘Come on.’ She tapped her foot on the step.

‘This is not wise.’

‘It’s fine, honestly.’

He put his foot on the bottom rung. It creaked. ‘I’m not sure this’ll hold my weight.’
