Page 57 of A Perfect Discovery

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‘Mum, let go of me. I’m fine.’ Rhona pulled herself free of Judy’s grip on her shoulder. Instinct clawed at her to look back and wave to Calum but she mastered herself. It wasn’t worth it. Her parents would flip and they both seemed on the verge of a Matheson-induced breakdown as it was. She couldn’t risk them taking it out on him and reporting him for goodness knew what.

‘Are you sure you’re all right?’ Judy scanned her over from top to toe.

‘Yes. Why wouldn’t I be?’What age am I? Twelve?Judy dragged her further along the jetty away from the Dawn Treader. The wooden slats creaked underfoot. They were treating her like a child they’d rescued from a mad kidnapper, not a woman who’d had the night of her life with a man she was crazy about.

‘He didn’t try anything on, did he?’ Judy lowered her voice to a hiss.

Rhona shook her head. Words failed. There was barely a move they hadn’t tried last night, but how could she articulate that without her dad turning back, leaping on the boat and throwing Calum overboard? Or her mum taking her to the police station and reporting him for assault, then marching her to a doctor to be examined both physically and mentally. ‘It was just business.’

Alister glared at her. ‘Why in hell’s name were you doing business with him? What sort of business? Is he forcing you into something?’

‘No. He needed an archaeologist to do some work on his land. I agreed to do it, but I didn’t tell you because I knew you’d be cross.’

‘Cross?’ Alister cracked his knuckles. ‘Of course I’m cross. He’s a violent and highly aggressive man. You’re lucky he didn’t attack you.’

‘Dad, he really isn’t.’

‘You have no idea what you’re talking about.’ Alister’s neck was red and blotchy. ‘He can talk the talk. It’s how he’s escaped the law all these years, but I’ve seen the evidence. I know what he’s capable of and I’ll never forget it. He almost killed your brother when he was seventeen. Who’s to say what he might do when he snaps.’

‘I’ve never seen that side to him.’

‘Just as well,’ Judy said. ‘If he ever lays a finger on anyone in this family again, I’ll make sure he’s locked up and the key thrown away. He got off lightly before. I always said we should have pressed charges.’

‘Yes. I wish we had. I should have listened to you.’ Alister patted Judy’s back. ‘I thought remorse would get the better of him, but it hasn’t. He’s got more and more arrogant. He’s conned his way into money and scammed people all over the island. He shows no respect for anyone and is nothing but a blight on our community.’

Rhona massaged a slow circle around her temples. Her heart was crying but she made sure nothing showed on her face. She neutralised her expression, temporarily numbing her senses. Later the pain dams would burst but not here. It was like being a child again. Her sisters screaming at each other, threatening to cut each other’s hair, or shave the other’s eyebrows off if they didn’t do whatever. Rhona powerless to do anything other than wish it would stop. Like now.

‘Where is the land you’ve been working on?’ asked Judy.

‘At Kilnarkie.’

‘Kilnarkie? Near the old churchyard?’


‘I never wanted him to have that land,’ Alister said. ‘He’ll ruin it with one of his developments. That’s a beautiful, rugged spot and it doesn’t need any ridiculous buildings on it. If you’re working for him, make sure you create as much hell for him as possible. Though I’d much prefer it if you handed in your notice and good riddance.’

‘I’ve finished the work now.’

‘So, why were you in the boat with him?’

‘I told you, he took me to Coll. There was a site there I wanted to see.’ How the lies tripped off her tongue. Her heart shrivelled. Tears threatened. The only person who could stop them was Calum. She wanted to be back in his embrace, enjoying the soothing strokes of his palms, the strong hold of his arms and the gentle comfort of his kisses.

As soon as she got into the car, she pulled out her phone. Her parents were still busy tearing Calum and the Mathesons to shreds. Rhona’s chest ached like she was stuck under an iron gate. She typed out a message.

RHONA: OMG! I am soooo sorry about that. I hope this doesn’t ruin everything. I still want to see you again. I miss you already. Please let this be ok. XXXX

She hit send and clutched the phone tight, hoping for an immediate response. The words were true but the situation was impossible. Her parents’ reaction was a taster of what she could expect if they found out the truth. Their wrath could erupt into serious damage if this got out. Calum hadn’t done anything illegal, had he? But Alister was a smart man and could probably twist facts. Could they retrospectively press charges for his attack on Arran? Things like that came up on the news all the time. How could she stand that on her conscience if they had him jailed?

The scenery whirred by in a blur of green forests and hills. Was Calum violent? Since knowing him, she couldn’t believe it. He’d never shown any tendency to violence. Yet she’d seen what he’d done to Arran. Couldn’t they forgive him now? She knew the answer. She laid back her head, scrunching her eyes tight. Why had he attacked Arran in the first place? Her dad always made it sound like an unprovoked attack but what if it wasn’t? Could it have been over the girlfriend he’d mentioned in the tree house? Had he been so enraged with Arran stealing her that he’d beaten him up? At school he hadn’t appeared violent either. If anything, it was the opposite. He’d always seemed quiet, withdrawn and didn’t stand out one way or another.

No messages came in. Rhona paced like a caged animal, prowling around her parents’ house unable to settle at anything. The dig was done and the report complete so she couldn’t distract herself with work. Alister and Judy huddled in the kitchen muttering to each other and Rhona couldn’t listen to what she knew would be schemes to hurt Calum. Couldn’t they leave him alone? She checked her phone every few seconds. Still no messages.Why doesn’t he reply?Was he having second thoughts? Could she blame him? The tug in her tummy forced her not to believe any of it. It couldn’t be over. Not yet.

The following day, she worked on the reconstruction. An email came in with the pricing details. Would Calum still want it? He’d pushed her to do it but would he shut her down now? Still, it gave her a reason to talk to him – other than just wanting to.

During the day he’d be at his office or out and about at his properties. She didn’t want to disturb him while he was working. But with a little bit of snooping, she found his home address on one of the dig site official documents.

Judy narrowed her eyes when Rhona asked to borrow the car.
