Page 76 of A Perfect Discovery

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A few tattered clouds blew across the sky as they strolled towards the fences surrounding the dig. Rhona was convinced Calum wouldn’t be there, but she let out a sigh of relief that no cars were in the quarry car park at the site edge.

She led Arran through the barrier. ‘This is my trench, over here. Come on. It’s not that mucky. I can show you the reconstruction when we get back but if you look over here first you can see the hearth.’

‘The what? I don’t get why you find this stuff interesting.’ He shoved his hands in his pockets. ‘It’s just soil.’

Rhona smacked her forehead. Even Calum wasn’t this bad, latterly he’d attempted to take an interest.

‘How does he afford this? He must have ripped someone off somewhere. Loads of people in fact. I heard he’s been raising rents all around the island and being a right bastard. One of these days…’ Arran rammed his fist into his palm. ‘He’ll get what’s coming to him.’

‘Will I?’

Rhona leapt about two feet before spinning around. Calum stood atop the trench, Will Laird beside him with his baby strapped to his front. He grabbed Calum’s arm, but a red light glinted in Calum’s eye. The same expression he’d sported when staring down opponents at the karate competition.

His chest rose and fell slowly. ‘You always thought you were really someone. And now you can’t stand that I have all this.’

‘Fuck off.’ Arran snorted.

‘Don’t you dare speak like that in front of a child.’

‘Arran, please.’ Rhona grabbed his arm but he shrugged her off.

‘Get off me.’

‘You wouldn’t recognise success if it slapped you,’ Calum said.

‘How would you know?’ Arran said. ‘At least what I earn is legit, unlike you.’

‘Every penny I’ve ever made is as legit as you. You only wish it wasn’t because it makes you look pathetic.’

‘Come on, Rhona. We’re done here.’ Arran jumped out of the trench and glared at Calum. They were similar in height and both towering in their rage. Was this the monster he’d warned her about? She couldn’t bear to see it. ‘And that’s the last dealings you’ll be having with my sister. She won’t be working for you anymore.’

‘Working for me?’ Calum stared at her.

‘Arran, pipe down.’ Rhona scrambled out of the ditch.

‘Hey,’ Will said. ‘Why don’t we take a breather.’

‘I mean it.’ Arran glared at Calum. ‘Never again. She’s not working for you and you can keep your sleezy hands off her.’

‘Arran,’ Rhona snapped.

‘I beg your pardon?’ Calum clenched his fists and his nostrils flared. ‘Is that what I’ve been doing?’ He glowered at Rhona.

She shook her head, her eyes wide. Of course it wasn’t. She opened her mouth—

‘Just leave, both of you. I shouldn’t have expected anything less from you.’ He eyeballed Rhona. ‘You’re just like the rest of them.’

‘But, Calum.’ Her heart split like he’d rammed in a knife.I’m not.She wanted to protect him from what her family might do to him but the cost was agonising.

‘But what?’ Calum’s cool was visibly slipping. ‘Are you going to tell him the truth?’

Arran glared between Calum and Rhona while Rhona mouthed air, but no words came out. Will took hold of Calum’s arm again but Calum pulled away.

‘No, of course you’re not. Get off my land. Both of you. And don’t bother coming back.’

‘If Will didn’t have his kid with him, I’d give you a taste of your own medicine.’ Arran cracked his knuckles.

‘No, Arran.’ Rhona grabbed him.
