Page 84 of A Perfect Discovery

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‘Too right.’

‘But it’s a start, right?’

Calum lifted a pen and fidgeted with it, turning it over. Something about this was off. ‘Where has all this come from?’


Rhona. Yes. It had to be Rhona. She was behind this. Kind, caring, affectionate Rhona. The peacemaker. But this? Why? ‘What did she say?’

‘She told me about you and her.’

Heat burned Calum’s neck. ‘Right.’

‘If that’s what she wants… Well…’

‘What does she want?’

‘You, apparently.’

‘She said that?’ Calum crossed his arms. Was it possible?She still wants me?

‘She said she’d made her choice. She called me out.’

‘Right.’ Words weren’t coming easily. What did all this mean?

‘It’s time we try and put things straight.’


‘My parents have gone to see your parents.’

‘They what?’


‘And Rhona knows about this?’

‘She’s gone with them.’

Calum ruffled the short hairs at his forehead. Rhona had made her choice. Really, him? His pulse skipped along. It could be ok. His focus flitted over the shelves of files containing his property information. He had plenty to offer in a material sense. He’d never doubted that. But Rhona didn’t care about any of that. If she wanted him, it was because of what they had when they were together. The deep-rooted desire to believe it was something special forced its way out.

‘Cool.’ Calum’s fingers twitched, then he stood and pushed out his hand. ‘Should we shake?’

Arran stared at it for a moment before taking it. ‘A truce?’

‘Ok.’ Calum shook briefly then let go.

As soon as Arran left, Calum pulled out his phone and called his mum.

‘Oh my god, Calum,’ she said. ‘We have just had the strangest visit.’

‘The Lamonds?’

‘Yes. I’m in shock. My shift starts in half an hour but I might need to lie down.’

‘What did they say?’

‘They apologised and said they hadn’t fully understood the circumstances of what happened when you were at school. I shouted a bit, then Judy and I had a good cry. It was so emotional. Even now I might go again.’ She sniffed. ‘Has Arran been to see you? They said he was heading that way.’
