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“Borrow some? Don’t you intend to eat it?”

Don looked at Sloan and grinned. “You’re an ass, you know that?”

He went to the cupboard, grabbed a bowl, hauled down the box of Cheerios he knew from previous visits that Sloan always kept and made himself breakfast. He motioned to Sloan if he wanted some also.

Shaking his head, Sloan pulled out his cell phone and scrolled for Sam’s number, knowing his buddy was an early riser who’d already paid a visit.

“Hi, Sam. Don said you wanted to talk to me. Sure, come over now. The coffee’s on.”


“They’re not Janna’s relatives, Sloan. Those two are strangers. And they’re dangerous. I want them out of my house.” Sam had arrived full to bursting with frustrated anger, needing an outlet.

Sloan couldn’t blame him. “Calm down, Sam. Tell me how you know this.”

“Last night, after we went to search for Kean, and Don said you had a lead on his whereabouts, we came back into the house and fixed coffee. It was then we realized the light was on in the guest room. Janna worried we’d made noise and so she knocked on the door to invite Leah and Yasir for a snack. Both looked upset, as if they’d been fighting. They came and joined us, but weren’t very communicative when we tried to ask them about their evening.”

“I remember. They’d been going out with friends.”

“Yes. Janna tried to ask about her brother and his wife but they became rather unfriendly and soon excused themselves.”

“And this was a problem?”

“Even though we haven’t spent a lot of time with her family, Janna recalls that her brother always referred to his wife by a special endearment,Baalam,which means beloved in our language. When she asked Leah what Baalam did to keep herself busy, Leah appeared mystified. And so did Yasir. Neither of them were aware that it was the nickname their father used for their mother.”

“So you don’t believe they are who they say.”

“Exactly. This morning, we tried to contact my brother-in-law but his phone seems to be disconnected. After Janna’s e-mail bounced back, she asked Faisal to send one of those Facebook messages, but their page has been discontinued too.”

“Okay. I see why you’re worried now. But truthfully, Sam, I noticed your lack of welcome and Janna’s dismay way back when you first mentioned they were coming to see you.”

Sam looked uncomfortable. He clasped his hands together between his knees and thought deeply for some time before he looked up. His deep brown eyes were clear with conviction and truth. “I want to explain. Life at home was very frightening for us before we were able to escape. Any reminders of those days make us nervous. If Janna’s brother and his wife had been coming with their children, we would have been overjoyed and welcoming.”

“I don’t understand.”

“For them to come alone seemed wrong, especially when it wasn’t their parents who reached out to us, as is our custom. We are worried that something has happened to them and to their real children.”

“Is there no one you can ask who knew both your families?”

“Not anyone we trust.”

“I’m sorry about all this, Sam. I understand your fears. What can I do to help?”

“I do not want to bring in the FBI, not yet. But neither do I want to sit by and see anything happen because I wore blinders. Those two need to be watched. You used to be an agent. Can you help us?”

“Yes. But you need to know the truth. I’m still an agent.”

“Of course, my friend, I understand. A man can never stop being what he was trained to be.”

Not sure how to continue, Sloan decided to leave it alone. He’d told the truth, and even if Sam didn’t want to listen, he felt somewhat vindicated. “I’m thinking we can put a tap in their room. Tape their conversations. Find out what they’re up to once and for all. If they’re planning anything harmful to the city or its citizens, we’ll have evidence and can move in to prevent it from happening. Are you willing to plant this equipment where they won’t see it?”

“Absolutely. With the bombings going on lately by crazy Jihadists, I’m more than prepared to set them up. We can’t take any chances. All I ask is that if we find there’s anything dangerous, I can remove my family to where they’ll be safe.”

“Alia has had a terrible scare just recently with Kean’s disappearance. His father kidnapped him and, no doubt by the grace of anAumakua,a Hawaiian family god, we were able to stop him in time from taking the boy off the island. So I’m sure she could use some company later today if Janna feels up to visiting and bringing the children.”

Sam’s face cleared. A smile began in earnest. “Then she will be happy to do so. Give me these gadgets and show me what I must do.”

Sloan went and fetched both of the small devices he’d had Don bring to the house and passed them over to Sam. Within a few seconds, he’d explained how to set them up and where they should be placed.

“This is good. I will put one in the bathroom and the other in the bedroom. And I will send you a text when it is done.” Sam stood to leave.

Sloan shook the hand that Sam held out. “Wait until it’s clear. Don’t take any chances. Those two might be young but we don’t know if they’re dangerous.”

“I’ll be careful. Thank you, my friend. I feel a huge weight has been shared.”
