Page 58 of Special Agent Rylee

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Chapter Forty-three

Jake opened the door to Carlos, who pushed into the room and slammed the door. Instant fear exploded from the expression on the agent’s face.

“Rylee’s gone. There’s blood on her carpet, and the people in the next cabin heard a shot.”

“My God, do you know what happened?”

“No. All I got was her summons for back-up. I went as fast as I could. But she was gone.”

His blood ran cold as he voiced his suspicion. “It’s Hakim. He’s taken her.”

Suddenly, the cabin phone rang. Jake answered it immediately, with Carlos listening in. “Jake Andrews here.”

“Your girlfriend is staying with us tonight. Keeping her alive until tomorrow is your choice. Don’t take any foolish chances or do anything crazy. If you want to see her again, we’ll arrange for you to take her place in Grenada.”

“For God’s sake, I’ll take her place now. Anytime you say.”

“Not going to happen. I want you to suffer all night, wondering what she’s going through.”

“There was blood in her cabin. Is she alright?”

Out of the background, Jake heard her voice. “Don’t listen to the bastard, Jake. Don’t do anything he—”

The sound of a slap was heard next over a man’s voice full of meanness. “Shut up, woman.”

Before he could add anything, Jake heard the dial tone.

Alarmed, he slammed his receiver down hard. Then he turned toward his bedroom and heaved a sigh of relief when Miguel didn’t move. The kid was out cold from his day in the sun… full of pizza and popcorn and happy memories.

Oh, God!

He’d break. He knew it. If anything happened to her, he’d never survive.

Carlos pulled out his phone and started a text that took only seconds.

Jake closed the door so they wouldn’t wake Miguel.

Suddenly, Carlos gave orders in a tone that brooked no arguments. “We have eyes in Hakim’s suite. I’ll get my laptop and be right back. Don’t do anything foolish, you hear me?” He turned at the door and reiterated, “I’ll only be a few minutes.”

While Carlos was away, Jake sat with his head in his hands, sick inside, worry gnawing at his innards. He felt like puking or hitting something hard, preferably Hakim’s face.

The man didn’t give up. He just had to get his revenge. Was this going to cost Jake everything that mattered to him? He’d give every penny he owned to get her back, but the rich bastard had no need of money.

Wait… there was something Jake had with more value than money. He had his app – the one many countries would give almost anything to attain. Could he bargain with that slime ball? The invention still legally belonged to him. He had all the files, hadn’t quite finished the final equations on purpose until he knew that it was protected by U.S. laws and in the right official hands. Then he would share the final data and sever all ties of ownership.

Carlos returned and put in the security code to open the window of the small tablet he had in his hand.

“Look.” They watched as Hakim sat at a table with two of his men, the third on watch by the door. They ignored the woman strapped in a chair, her mouth duck-taped, signalling they’d had enough of her taunting.

She had a bandage on her arm that was seeping blood. A wound that wasn’t life threatening… thank God.

“See, Jake, she’s fine. And she knows we have eyes on her. Keep watching.”

Sure enough, they saw her wink, which they took to mean that she wasn’t hurt.

“I’ve contacted Harrison, and he’s sending backup to be waiting for us to dock tomorrow. They’ll watch as Hakim and his men try to take her off the ship. That’s when they’ll intervene.”

“You mean we’re going to leave her there all night. With those madmen? No fucking way.”

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