Page 20 of Special Agent Storm

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He’d seen enough of her place to recognize that only a woman lived here. There were no male clothes, shoes, bathroom toiletries… nothing that would indicate that anyone, but Ruby, occupied this house.

Why would she lie? Deciding he wanted an answer, he waited until she seemed full and tried to bring up the subject without sounding like it was an interrogation.

“I have a question. You can tell me to mind my own business if you want to but without meaning to, I’ve kind of gotten involved in your life, so I figure you owe me.”

“What do you want to know?” He heard the hesitancy in her voice and saw an instant barrier form in her eyes.

Jesus! What the hell was wrong with her? He’d heard of people liking their own privacy, but hadn’t he already stepped far enough into her world that she owed him the truth?

“Are you married?”

She didn’t hesitate. “It’s complicated.”

“Then you aren’t.”

“I never said that.” Her voice rose. “Like I said, it’s complicated.”

“How far along in the pregnancy are you?”

“Second trimester. Too far for an abortion, not that I would choose that way out. I’m delivering my baby.”

“Okay. Good. Why would it be any other way?”

“I told you, it’s complic—”

“Complicated. Yeah, you said that.” Frustration surfaced and he rubbed his hands over his knees. Seriously? She didn’t make any sense at all.

“Is your husband, or whoever the man in your life is, really coming home tonight?”

“Yes, I called him. Don will be here any minute now. You can safely leave. And thanks again for everything. You cook a mean scrambled egg, best I’ve ever tasted. And it looks like it’ll stay down.” She grimaced playfully. “Lately, that’s a huge accomplishment by itself.”

He saw a teasing smile light up her whole face and it made him see another side of her. The woman wore her beauty in a way that he hadn’t noticed before. When she relaxed, her gray shockers were warm and soft, like Molly’s angora kitten, Pearl. But then he’d seen the other side of her personality and storm clouds had gathered in those same eyes making them almost black. She intrigued him.

Not wanting to overstay his welcome, nevertheless, he had no intention of leaving her until this Don person arrived. Before he could ask her more questions, the doorbell rang, and she left him to go and let her man in.

She soon reappeared, escorting a large man with her arm through his. “Agent Kurt Storm, this is Don Ulmer.”

Kurt stuck out his hand, and it was grasped strongly.

“Chief Don Ulmer with the Dallas Police. Glad to meet you. Thanks for looking out for Ruby.”

“It was my pleasure. I wish I could have done more.” Kurt accepted Ulmer as an equal and felt comfortable right from their initial handshake. He would have liked to have a moment alone with him to discuss everything, but Ruby stepped in and before he knew what happened, she had him at the front door saying goodbye.

“You know I’ll be safe now that Don is here, right? No need for me to take up more of your time. You’ve been swell, really. I appreciate everything you’ve done… especially staying and looking after me, cooking dinner. But Don can take over from here.”

Before he could say much more than you’re welcome, the door closed, and he stood alone on the top step.

Jesus! That was one fast, unexpected exit. As he walked to his vehicle, two thoughts fought each other. Why wouldn’t her partner have his own key? And why did Don wear a gold band, and she didn’t?

He knew from experience there were many people whose relationships left a lot to be desired, but in all the wacky ways he’d come across, neither of those two looked to be the kind of characters to fit into one of those lifestyles.

Shaking his head, wishing he could forget the initial stunned look on Don’s face as he glanced down at their linked arms, he admitted… no telling what goes on behind closed doors nowadays.
