Page 71 of Special Agent Storm

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“There was no time.”

“So, you say. Maybe there wasn’t, but we’ll never know, will we?”

“I knew.”

Steve leaned forward, his face suffused with color, his voice hard. “Did you? What if she had been trapped in there? What if you couldn’t have gotten her loose?”

“We have to try, don’t we?”

He seemed to know she begged for reassurance, and he couldn’t give it to her. Instead, he softened his tone and answered. “But not at the risk of you… or your team. There has to be a line. There is a line. You crossed it. Now go. Take a week and get your head straight. Then come back, and we’ll work something out.”

Ruby rose. She wanted to argue but knew she didn’t have the moral ground to stand on. He was right. She’d known that at the time and had made her choice.

When she’d returned to Jill and Carolyn, she couldn’t stop the anger from surfacing. She felt battered, treated unfairly, and pissed at the world. “Let’s go, Mom. I need a shower.”

As she passed, Carolyn reached out and held her hand for a few seconds to show solidarity. Ruby squeezed her fingers before following Jill. It was going to be a long timeout.

