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Chapter Fifty-four

Lisa hadn’t realized just how worried she’d been about Lance until he showed up at her hospital bed. Trying not to appear sickly – they were only keeping her in overnight because of the smoke she’d inhaled and the burns on her hands – she felt a little like an imposter.

“Hi, Lance. I’m so happy to see you.” Kinda crazy how true those words were. Then she spotted the bandage. “What happened to your arm?”

Flustered, he released the cloth sling and snuck it into his pocket. “It’s camouflage so we could get into the hospital without there being any questions later. They want us to stay partially undercover so we can be available in case another terrorist group forms.”

Lisa held out her hand, urging him away from the door and closer to her. Grinning to see him rush over, she pushed the situation even further by motioning him to bend over. Then she wrapped her arms around his neck and sighed with relief when he took things in his own hands. His kiss told her a lot of things, mostly that he cared… very much.

“Lisa, I was terrified when you sent that text saying you’d entered that fire to help Jennie. God, woman, you shouldn’t have been anywhere near the clubhouse.”

“Not to worry, my mother, being as over-protective as usual, made sure I wouldn’t get too close too quickly. Thank God, she’d left me a way to get loose from the handcuffs myself if she couldn’t return. Of course, she hadn’t figured on a full moon and me seeing the paper clip quite that soon. I thank all that’s holy that I did find it.”

“Jennie found me in the woods and told me where to find you. I just couldn’t get back there until everything had settled. By then, you would have escaped on your own.”

Lisa chuckled. “Yeah… she taught me how to escape cuffs as a bored kid on a day with nothing to entertain me.”

Lance laughed along with her. “Well, I for one am thrilled she did teach you. If it hadn’t been for that, she wouldn’t have been saved.”

Lisa’s thoughtful gaze interrupted. “Who knows. She’d started coming around by the time I’d arrived, but we’ll never know for sure if she could have made it out on her own. I’m just thrilled we’re both fine.”

Nodding, he lifted her bandaged hand and laid a kiss on it. “Does it hurt very much?”

“Not now.”
