Page 36 of The Road to You

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I walk around aimlessly for a couple of minutes, not really sure where to go or where exactly I’m supposed to be meeting Kane. He said he would text me where to meet him once he landed but I have yet to hear anything from him.

Spotting a small bar to my left, I decide that a drink wouldn’t hurt and quickly cross the aisle to where it sits, accompanied by a handful of round top tables. Sliding into one of the stools at the bar, I order a whiskey from the middle aged bartender, drinking it down the instant he sets it in front of me, just needing something to take the edge off.

“I’ll take one more,” I advise him. My phone buzzes to life on the bar top seconds after he turns to refill the rocks glass in front of me.

My stomach twists when I see Kane’s name flashing across the screen and even though I know I have to answer it, it still takes me a solid five seconds before I finally do.

“Hello.” My voice is hoarse from the burn of the whiskey.

“Hey. I just landed. Are you here?” He seems anxious which oddly puts me more at ease. At least I’m not alone.

“Yeah. I’m at the bar around the corner from the drop off entrance.”

“Perfect. I don’t think I’m very far from there now. I’ll meet you shortly.”

“Okay,” I say, ending the call without saying more.

The bartender has finished refilling my drink by the time I remember why I’m here and I instantly snatch up the glass and pour the amber liquid into my mouth. The burn isn’t as intense as the first round but it still has quite a bit of a bite.

I feel the heat as it hits my stomach but I don’t have much time to think about it before my focus is pulled in an entirely different direction.

“Is this seat taken?” His voice causes my skin to prickle and the little hairs on the back of my neck to stand straight up.

I close my eyes, draw in a breath, before finally turning to meet his gaze. The second I do I’m rendered damn near speechless.Was he always so attractive?is the first thought that crosses my mind as I take in his disheveled brown hair and two day old scruff that lines his jaw.

Holy hell.

“Starting early, are we?” He smiles, gesturing to my empty glass when I have still yet to speak even one word.

“I- uh…” I stutter, before finally snapping out of my fog. “I’m a little nervous about the flight. Thought this might take the edge off.”

“I always have a drink or two before I fly.” He nods to the bartender, pointing to my glass. “She’ll have another and I’ll have whatever she’s having.”

“I really shouldn’t.” I push my glass to the edge of the bar. “I want to be able to walk onto the plane myself.”

“I’m sure one more wouldn’t prevent you from doing that.” He smirks, thanking the bartender who sets a whiskey in front of him before using the bottle to refill my glass.

Kane waits until he’s moved on to another customer before speaking again.

“What should we drink to?” he asks, holding up his glass as he angles his body toward mine.

“Not sure.” I hate how stupid I sound but lord help me this man has me feeling all sorts of jittery and nervous.

“How about to Italy?” he suggests.

“How about to not dying in a horrific plane crash,” I counter.

“Yeah, that’ll work too.” He chuckles, raising his glass.

Without a word I lift my glass and lightly tap it against his.

I watch as he brings the glass to his lips, tipping it back, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows down the whiskey. I’m completely transfixed by the sight, still gawking at him when he sets the glass back on the bar and eyeballs the drink still in my hand.

“Are you going to drink that?” He grins, eyes going to the glass and then back to my face.

I smile like I’m not completely losing my mind before tipping the glass back, the third shot warming me even more than the first two.

“Better?” he asks, taking the empty glass from my hand and sliding it to the edge of the bar.
