Page 48 of The Road to You

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“You look beautiful.” My words are followed by complete and utter silence.

She’s staring at me; lips parted, cheeks pink, a million things running behind those incredible ocean blue eyes of hers. I didn’t expect such an innocent comment to completely stun her. Then again, there was really nothing innocent about it.


Hell, she’s more than just beautiful. I can’t recall ever getting weak kneed over a woman but that’s exactly what happens to me every time Elara looks at me. And she’s damn near bringing me to my knees with the way she’s looking at me right now.

It takes all the willpower I have not to pull her to me. Not to take her face in my hands and taste the sweetness of her plump lips–to feel her melt into me the way I’ve pictured she would a million times over the course of the last twenty-four hours.

“Thank you.” She finally breaks eye contact, offering me a soft smile before quickly exiting the room, her scent staying with me long after she pulls the door closed behind her.

Fuck me…


“So, tell me more about your plans for the future,” I press, spooning a bite of gelato into my mouth.

I took Elara to one of the most incredible restaurants in the area where you can pretty much order just about any Italian food your heart desires and she ordered the plainest, most basic thing on the menu–spaghetti. Which prompted the conversation of all the foods she hasn’t tried, one very important one being gelato. Who hasn’t tried gelato, was my one and only thought. So, of course, I decided it was something I had to remedy immediately.

“I don’t really know that I have plans.” She doesn’t meet my gaze as she swirls the spoon in the frozen mixture.

“Come on, Elara. Everyone has plans. What did you want to be when you were a kid?” I try another angle.

She thinks on that for a long moment, her eyes shifting up to meet mine. “You’ll laugh.” A small smile graces her lips.

“I won’t,” I promise.

“You will,” she counters.

“Well, there’s only one way to find out. Try me.”

“You first,” she challenges, scooping a bite of gelato into her mouth. “You were right by the way. Incredible.” She practically moans as she swallows.

I’m momentarily drawn to that action, the one small sound that sends my mind reeling in a completely different direction.

“I...” I clear my throat and refocus. “I guess my top pick was to be a pilot. Either that or I wanted to join the military.”

“Seriously?” She quirks a brow at me.

“What?” I shoot back, not able to hide my smile.

“You don’t strike me as a military man.”

“Why’s that?” I counter, trying to hold my serious expression when I see her squirm slightly.

“You just seem more…”

“More what?” I cut in when she pauses. “I’m getting the impression here you think I’m too pussy for something as intense as the military. You might be wounding my manhood a bit,” I say, completely stone faced even though on the inside I’m finding this quite humorous.

I expect her to try to explain herself, apologize even, so when she bursts out laughing I’m not really sure how to react.

“Is something funny?” I cock my head to the side and narrow my gaze at her, fighting the smile threatening to split across my face.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t peg you for a man that throws around words like pussy. Just caught me off guard is all.” She bites her bottom lip in an effort to keep herself from smiling.

“What kind of man did you peg me for?” I ask, leaning forward, placing my elbows on the small table between us.

“I don’t know. You seem really serious. And your kind of intimidating,” she tacks on the last part.
