Page 58 of The Road to You

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I feel the bed sink next to me as Kane climbs in. I won’t deny the disappointment that seeps through me when he rolls to his side, his back facing me, and doesn’t say a word. But with that disappointment also comes relief. I don’t trust my head or my heart right now, especially after that kiss. A kiss I can still feel lingering on my lips even though it’s been well over thirty minutes since it happened.

If Kane’s behavior afterward tells me anything, it’s that he’s just as conflicted about whatever is happening between us as I am. Sometimes I can’t get the fact that he’s Kam’s older brother out of my head. Other times I find myself forgetting they have any relation at all.

Because even though Kane and Kam are very similar in a lot of ways, the more time I spend with Kane the more I realize that they are two completely separate people and comparing them is not fair to me or either of them.

And as much as I tell myself that I’m glad Kane chose his current position, the longer I lay here staring at his back, the less I’m able to believe the lie. I want to reach out and touch him. I want to wrap my arm around his middle and snuggle up behind him. I want to roll him over and finish what we started earlier. But instead I do none of those things. Not a single one.

It takes me a long time to find sleep and when I finally do, I dream of nothing but dark eyes and soft lips pressed against mine.


I wake with a start, blinking against the bright sun that filters into the room through the open terrace. I push up on my elbows, catching sight of Kane’s bare back as he leans against the rail looking out over the sparkling sea below.

Was he shirtless when he crawled in bed with me last night?

I try to rummage through the memories but can’t seem to pinpoint one way or another. It was dark and I never touched him, so I guess I wouldn’t exactly know. I will say this, if he did sleep next to me with no shirt on, I’m sure as hell glad I didn’t notice.

I allow my eyes to trail down his firm, sculpted back. This man has a body that says he spends hours in the gym and yet from what I can tell, he hasn’t touched one since we’ve been here. Then again he’s always up and dressed well before I am. Maybe he visits the little gym at the apartment complex where we’re staying before I get out of bed. Who knows?

God I’m a total slacker.

Throwing back the covers, I quickly climb from the bed. It creaks under the movement and by the time I get myself upright, Kane has turned toward me, a small smile pulling at his lips.

Okay, so he’s not upset like he seemed last night. That’s a good sign.

“Mornin’, babe.” He raises a coffee cup to his lips and takes a small sip as he rests his shoulder against the door frame.

Mornin’, babe.

My knees instantly go weak.

“Morning,” I force out, pointing to the cup in his hand. “Where can I get me one of those?”

“Downstairs.” He smiles. “Why don’t you get some clothes on and we can go down and grab a bite to eat. They’ve got quite the spread down there.”

“You didn’t go down like that, did you?” I point to his bare chest, thinking of all the women he probably passed that had to grab onto something to keep themselves upright at the sight of him.

“And if I did?” He cocks a brow at me.

“Then you probably gave poor Ms. McGreevy a heart attack.” I grin, referring to the sweet woman in her late sixties who owns the B&B.

“She didn’t have any complaints.” His smile widens and the flutter in my stomach hits me with a force that nearly knocks me backward onto the bed.

“I’m sure she didn’t,” I mutter, my eyes scanning the length of him. “Even still, I’m not going anywhere with you until you put on a shirt.”

“Why? By the way you’re looking at me I’d say you rather enjoy the view.” He’s joking and I’m not sure if he realizes just how true his statement actually is.

“Yeah, my point exactly,” I say, surprising us both before quickly stepping into the bathroom and closing the door, determined not to embarrass myself any further.


Kane doesn’t mention the kiss from last night and neither do I, even though it’s all I’ve been able to think about since it happened.

We enjoy a beautiful breakfast that includes fresh fruit, biscuits, bread, and about five different flavors of jam. And of course the coffee, which is absolutely to die for. I’ve never had such delicious coffee and I told Mrs. McGreevy so before we headed back up to our room. A truth that seemed to thoroughly make her day.

“How long do you think it will take you to get ready?” Kane asks the moment we reenter our room and the door closes behind us.

“Why? You got somewhere to be?” I question, lifting my bag off the floor and depositing it on the bed.
