Page 67 of The Road to You

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It comes in waves, washing over me, warming every single inch of my body until I can feel the effects to the very tips of my fingers and toes. Kane makes me feel every ounce of my pleasure as he continues to thrust inside of me, pulling every last bit of desire from me that he can. My body is shaking, trembling from the aftermath of what has to be the most incredible orgasm I’ve ever experienced.

Kane’s movements start to become less controlled, frantic even, and then he lets out a deep groan, pumping inside of me several more times before letting himself go.

When he stills inside of me, he pulls back slightly and hits me with the most incredible smile, the action doing funny things to my heart. His lips find my cheek first, then my forehead, followed by the tip of my nose before he finally presses them gently against my own.

I continue to pulse around him as he sweetly kisses my mouth, his tongue sliding against mine as his hand pushes the tangled mess of hair away from my face.

There are so many things I need to say, so many things bubbling to the surface that I have to bite back. I want you. I need you. I’m falling so hard and fast that I’m terrified if I let go I’ll go careening out of control.

Of course I can’t say any of this, certain it would freak him out. Hell, I’m freaked out. How is it after less than three weeks my feelings are already so strong? I can’t explain it, can’t rationalize it, but I also can’t deny the truth.

I’m falling in love with Kane Thaler…


“You have the same tattoo as Kam,” Kane says, his head on my stomach, his fingers tracing the outline of the permanent ink on my hip.

“I do,” I murmur, my hand lazily playing with his hair.

We haven’t left the bed in over an hour, at leastIhaven’t. Kane left briefly to shut off the oven, announcing moments later that I ruined his dinner. When I asked him if he was complaining he grinned and dove back into bed with me. And that’s where we’ve stayed.

“We didn’t plan it that way,” I continue when he doesn’t reply. “Kam designed it and as soon as I saw it, I knew I wanted it too. I guess it sounds kind of corny, getting the same tattoo as my best friend, but it meant something to him, therefore it meant something to me.”

“I don’t think that sounds corny at all.” He kisses the tattoo which instantly sends a wave of emotion washing over me. “You have this piece of him. Something that’s permanent. Something that will always be there. Nothing corny about that.”

Feeling the heavy shift in the room, I instantly divert from talking about Kam.

“What about you? Do you have any tattoos?” I ask, biting my bottom lip when he looks up at me and hits me with a sultry smile.

“You wanna explore and find out?” His eyes get dark and before I can react he’s shifted next to me and somehow managed to slide me on top of him.

“What do I get if I find something?” I play along, loving the heat that floods his gaze.

“Whatever you want, babe.” He groans when I lean forward and press my lips to the base of his throat.

“Whatever I want?” I speak against his warm flesh, loving the way his throat bobs when he takes a hard swallow. “I think I like this game.” I nip at his collarbone; pretty certain he’s going to like it too.


Four Years Earlier

“Are you having fun, bean?” Kam asks, his voice low in my ear as he moves me gently across the makeshift dance floor his parents set up in the backyard for his graduation party.

“I am,” I admit, pulling back to smile up at him.

“Even though my parents hired quite possibly the worst band in existence?” He chuckles, gesturing to the side where a four person band plays from the large stone patio a few yards away.

“They aren’t that bad.” I crinkle my nose at him.

“You only think that because half the music they’ve played is eighties shit.”

“There is nothing wrong with the eighties,” I object.

“Everything was wrong with the eighties,” he disagrees, his gaze going over my head to something behind us.

“Everything okay?” I ask, noticing the shadow that crosses over his face.

“Yeah.” He shakes it off, refocusing on me. “Marie is hanging all over my brother…Again. You’d think she’d get the hint already.”
