Page 83 of The Road to You

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“What is it?” I repeat, starting to panic a little.

Before she can answer me, she buckles over letting out a wail of pain, her arms tightening around her middle.

“Kane,” she sobs when I lift her into my arms.

“Don’t worry, babe. I’ve got you.” It’s the last thing I say before I take off running with Elara secured to my chest.

It takes me less than fifteen minutes to reach the hospital, but by this time Elara is in so much pain she can barely speak at all. It isn’t until I lift her out of the passenger seat that I notice blood pouring down her legs.

Oh god.

I have no idea what the hell is going on but that amount of blood cannot be good.

I’m inside the emergency room within seconds, yelling like a lunatic for someone to help me. Seeing the amount of blood that’s puddling onto the white tile floor, one of the nurses immediately jumps into action, leading me through a set of doors and down a hallway where she has me deposit Elara onto an examination table.

She instantly curls into a ball, clutching her stomach and crying for me not to leave her.

“I’m not going anywhere,” I promise, crouching down next to the bed. “Elara, look at me.” I wait until her gaze meets mine before continuing. “I’m not going anywhere,” I repeat.

“I’m sorry.” Fresh tears well in her eyes and I instantly move to soothe her.

“You have nothing to be sorry for,” I manage to get out, but not before her eyes flutter close and she goes completely silent.

“What’s happening?” I look to the nurse who calmly explains that she’s lost a lot of blood and that the doctor needs to examine her. Right then, a middle aged man in a white lab coat enters the room with two other medical personnel following directly behind him.

I’m quickly escorted from the room by another nurse I hadn’t even seen come in. I want to refuse to leave, throw myself on top of Elara and tell them they’ll have to go through me to get to her, but I know that will only make things worse.

I pace the hallway for what feels like an eternity but is likely less than a couple minutes before Elara is rushed from the room, a four person medical team running alongside the bed she’s currently laying on, unconscious and still bleeding.

I hear someone say emergency surgery but I can’t process where it came from. I can’t do anything but stand here like a frozen statue, not able to process a single fucking thing happening.

A nurse steps in front of me, her voice faint. It feels like she’s not the only one talking and I can’t process a single word she says. Words likepregnancyandruptured fallopian tube.It’s all one big blur.

I don’t know how long I stand here, staring down an empty hall at the set of double doors where Elara and the team of doctors and nurses disappeared through. A minute ago? Two? Five? I have no real sense of time.

“Sir,” I hear come faintly from behind me. “Sir,” I hear again, this time moments before the nurse steps into my line of sight. “Sir, can you please come with me? I have some paperwork I need you to fill out.”

I nod but don’t make any attempt to speak as I turn and follow the woman back out into the waiting area, the word pregnancy flashing in front of my eyes in big bold letters.

How can she be pregnant? She said she couldn’t have kids.

And what does a ruptured fallopian tube mean?

Is the baby okay?

Is Elara going to be okay?

These are the things that cloud my mind as I stare down at the clip board in front of me, not fully comprehending. I’ve only written her name down before realizing I don’t know any of the answers to the questions they’re asking.

I don’t know if she takes any medications, though I can’t say I’ve ever seen her take any. I don’t know her family’s medical history outside of her mom. I have no idea if she’s ever had previous surgeries, though I feel like maybe she would have mentioned that if she had.


I look around me, seeing various people peppered throughout the room and yet oddly enough, not really seeing anyone at all.

I try to refocus, holding the pen back to the clip board where the next question is about history of pregnancies.Pregnancy.The word triggers a wave of nausea to run through me and I instantly toss the clip board onto the chair next to me before standing and quickly exiting the hospital.

