Page 15 of Tequila Haze

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My eyes scan the note again.Totally song worthy. The flutter in my chest intensifies tenfold.

I mean, our chemistry together was most definitely off the charts. I have no doubt that he felt that too. And while my actions last night were pretty far from anything I’ve ever done before, I can’t bring myself to regret one single second of it.

I think I knew the moment my eyes landed on his that Hudson Demasi was someone worth my time. No matter how little time that might be.

“Uh oh. I know that look.” Emma breaks into my thoughts, snatching the note from my grasp before her eyes scan the paper. “Uh oh,” she repeats, slowly folding the piece of paper up before handing it back to me.

“Uh oh what?” I unfold the paper and read it again.

“You like him.” Her smile stretches so wide it’s a wonder her face doesn’t split in half.

“What gave it away?” I bite out sarcastically.

“I mean, youlike himlike him.” She’s still watching me with that ridiculous grin.


“And, I haven’t seen you like this over a guy since Lance Roberts, junior year.”

“Like what?” I brush off whatever she’s trying to imply.

“Like you’re so happy you might float away on the cloud you’re currently sitting on.”

“And that’s a bad thing?” I counter, not bothering to deny the truth in her words.

“Not at all. Unlike Lance Roberts, Hudson seems like a great guy.”

“Yeah, well, it doesn’t really matter, does it?” I drop the note on my nightstand and pick my coffee back up, taking a small sip.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” she questions, sliding further onto the bed before adjusting her body to face me, her long legs crossed in front of her.

“It means he lives in Tennessee and I live in Florida. Even if we wanted to pursue something, neither of us are in a place right now where this could even be a possibility.” I push down how sad the thought makes me. “We’re getting ready to graduate and start working with your dad. Hudson’s in Nashville pursuing his music career and that’s where his focus should be.”

“And there she goes.” Emma sighs.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I rub my eye with the back of my hand, feeling the effects of my lack of sleep.

“You’re tearing the puzzle apart before you’ve even had a chance to finish it.”

“Come again?” I ask, confused by her statement and why the hell we’re talking about puzzles all of a sudden.

“I’m just saying, you spend hours putting this freaking kick ass puzzle together but before you finish it and are able to appreciate what your time and effort has created, you’re disassembling it. Maybe you should try to finish the puzzle and enjoy the view for longer than five seconds.”

“Okay, I’m gonna pretend like I know what the hell you’re talking about.” I shake my head at my friend.

“You know exactly what I’m talking about. Hudson made you feel something last night. Probably something you’ve never felt before given the state the two of you were in when Colton and I came in. And now you’re freaking out because it might be hard to make something work so you’re giving up without even trying.”

“I’m not doing anything like that. Hudson and I had fun. A lot of fun. And I really like him. But that’s all there is, Em. It was one night of fun. One night of make believe. It’s time to return to reality.”

“And why can’t your reality include an insanely hot dude who’s seriously into you?”

“Because that’s not reality. That’s fantasy. I had my fun.” I shrug, completely unconvinced. “So how did things go with Colton? You seemed awfully quiet out there.” I point in the general vicinity of the living room.

“Way to change the subject.” Emma rolls her eyes but her mock frustration does nothing to mask the smile she’s trying to fight.

“Well, I’m waiting.” I tap my fingers impatiently against my bare knee, not realizing until this very moment that I’m damn near naked–wearing only a pair of panties and a thin camisole. And even though Em has seen me in my birthday suit more times than I care to admit, I still pull the covers up a little higher.

“What do you want to know?” She toys with me purposely.
