Page 2 of Tequila Burn

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“Of course you didn’t, sweetie.” Emma slides down on the loveseat next to me. “There’s no way you could have seen this coming.” She gives my hand a gentle squeeze. “The question is what are you going to do now?”

“I don’t know,” my voice breaks. My chest tightening to the point I feel on the verge of hyperventilation. “I can’t see him right now. I just need... I just need time to think.”

“Lennon,” Robert whispers and I look up to meet his dark gaze. “I can’t presume to know what you’re feeling right now, and I’m so sorry you’re hurting. But putting this off will only make it worse. You need answers and until you get them you’re going to drive yourself crazy.”

“He’s right, Len. I get that you need time to process, but you need to talk to Hudson.”

“I can’t even think about that right now.” I shake my head, swiping angrily at the tears sliding down my cheeks.

“You’re exhausted. Why don’t you go lay down in the guest room. Try to get a little sleep. Maybe you’ll wake with a clearer head and have a better idea of what you need to do.”

She’s right. I’m both mentally and physically exhausted, but the thought of sleep doesn’t sound appealing. How can I sleep when all I can see is her face?Hudson’s wife. God it doesn’t even seem real.

“I think I’m going to head home,” I say, feeling like I need some time to collect myself and try to gather my thoughts.

“I’ll come with you,” Emma immediately offers.

“No.” I shake my head and stand. “I love you for offering, Em. But right now I think I need to be alone.”

“You’ll call if you need anything?” she asks and I can tell she doesn’t want to let me go.

“I will.” I nod.

“And you’ll keep me posted the moment you know anything.”


“And if you need someone to give him a good ass whooping?” Robert chimes in.

“You’ll be the first person I call,” I tell him, a smile managing to find its way to my lips.

“You sure you’re okay to be driving? You look like hell, Len,” Emma says, following me to the front door of the beautiful two story home Robert had built for them.

“I’m sure. Thanks for letting me vent.” I shrug, knowing vent is a stretch of what I just put her and Robert through. More like an hour long meltdown where I screamed and cried like a lunatic for ninety percent of the time.

“Always.” She gives me a soft smile as I pull open the door and step onto the front porch–the afternoon sun way too bright for my sensitive eyes. “Hey, Len,” Em calls out right as I reach the steps leading down to the sidewalk. “I love you.”

“Love you too.” I force a smile before turning and quickly walking away.
