Page 65 of Tequila Burn

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“Did he say where they’re parked?”

“West side of the lot, next to the entry gate.”

“Come on, I’ll walk over with you.” He pushes away from the bus and takes off before I can object.

If I had to guess I would say Hudson won’t be happy seeing me stroll up with Travis Travers. Then again, maybe it will do him some good. Give him a little taste of what I feel on a daily basis.

I hate to even think that way. It’s such an immature way to view things but sometimes I can’t help it. The more time that passes the less I feel like I have a hold on things. I don’t know how to explain it other than I feel like I’m trying desperately to hang on to something that’s been designed to fail.

It doesn’t take but a couple minutes to reach the far side of the lot. As soon as we turn the corner I spot Hudson. He’s standing next to his crew manager who’s showing him something on the clip board in his hand.

As if he can sense me, his gaze instantly comes up and we lock eyes. Every single thing I felt earlier–every doubt, every fear, every ounce of irritation leaves my body in a whoosh. It’s been weeks since I’ve seen him. Well, in person anyway. And even though he’s just as handsome via Facetime, it’s nothing like having him standing in front of me in the flesh.

Without thinking I take off toward him, launching myself at him the moment I’m within reach. His arms close around me and his face goes into my hair. He inhales deeply and his hold tightens.

“I’m sorry.” My words are muffled by his chest.

“Don’t be. I’m sorry,” he says, pulling back to study my face for a long moment before his eyes dart behind me.

Stepping back, I turn and follow his gaze. My eyes land on Travis who stops a few feet from where we’re standing. I was so distracted by the sight of Hudson I momentarily forgot all about Travis.

“Hey man.” Travis waits until Hudson has me tucked protectively against his side before extending a hand to him. “It’s been a while.” He shakes Hudson’s hand, then takes a full step back.

“It has.” Hudson nods, clearly a little confused as to why Travis is with me.

“I ran into Travis while I was waiting for you,” I explain.

“She was gracious enough to take a walk with me. Keep me company for a while.”

“As long as walking was the only thing you were doing,” Hudson says in a way of a joke, but I pick up on the seriousness behind the statement.

“Travis?” I hear Annabelle’s voice seconds before she exits Hudson’s bus. “Oh my god, I thought that was you I heard.” She hops off the last step.

I ignore the wave of anger that washes over me at watching her stroll off Hudson’s bus like she’s something special before crossing the few feet to where Travis is standing.

“It’s been forever,” she says, throwing her arms around his neck.

He hugs her back, meeting my gaze over her shoulder where we share a private exchange. He winks and I smile. If I didn’t already think he was a pretty bad ass guy, I totally would now. If Hudson weren’t in the picture I could see myself falling for Travis. He’s got that southern charm meets bad boy, but he still has a really good heart. I’m not going to lie, it’s damn attractive.

But even with all that, he still doesn’t hold a candle to Hudson. In a way I wish he did. Maybe then I could prove to myself that the sun doesn’t rise and set with Hudson James Demasi. Maybe then I wouldn’t carry so much fear. Maybe then I could let myself enjoy the ride instead of obsessing over if and when the roller coaster is going to fly off the track and send me crashing to the earth below. Maybe if I could see life beyond Hudson, a future beyond him, I wouldn’t be so afraid. Only I can’t.

I push down the thought and turn my focus back to Travis and Anna who exchange fake pleasantries like they’re both well versed in the art of bullshit. It’s clear to see that Travis doesn’t much care for her but you’d have to be really paying attention to notice.

“I guess I should be heading back. I just wanted to stop by and say hey.” Travis turns from Annabelle to address Hudson. “We’ll have to make plans to meet for a beer when you’re back in the studio.”

“Sounds good.” Hudson nods, his hand tightening on my hip when Travis’ gaze comes to me. “Lennon.” He tips his head slightly. “Always a pleasure.” He gives me a smoldering smile.

“Bye, Travis.” I give him a half wave, watching him brush by Annabelle without another word.

“We’re gonna head inside. I’ll see you in a bit,” Hudson tells Annabelle before he guides me up the stairs and onto the bus, his hand firmly pressed against my lower back.

As soon as the door shuts behind him, his entire demeanor changes.

“Point made,” he practically growls.

“Excuse me?” I’m thrown completely off, having expected him to kiss me.

“If you were trying to make a point by hanging out with Travis, you made it.”
