Page 90 of Tequila Burn

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“Ever.” He tightens his fist in my hair, holding my face to his as he begins to move beneath me.

“Not ever,” I promise, meaning it to the deepest depths of my soul.


When I wake the nextmorning I’m alone. The bed feels empty without Hudson next to me and a lot less inviting then it did last night.

Rolling to the side, I slide out from under the covers and pad across the room to the dresser, pulling out a clean pair of panties before snagging my shorts and tank from last night off the chair in the corner where Hudson must have put them this morning.

I make quick work of dressing, washing my face, and brushing my teeth, not bothering to fix my hair that’s falling around my shoulders in messy waves. I’m too anxious to find Hudson to care all that much.

The smell of coffee hits me the moment I step into the kitchen. Crossing toward the coffee pot, I snag a mug out of the cabinet and pour me a cup, dropping some sweetener inside before turning toward the windows. That’s when I spot Hudson kicked back in one of the high back chairs on the deck.

I can’t contain the smile that spreads across my face. He looks so handsome I can hardly breathe. He’s bare chested, his hair standing up in every direction, his feet propped on the railing of the deck, a cup of coffee in his hands.

His gaze is locked out on the water so I take a moment to appreciate the sight of him, not able to imagine it gets any better than this.

I don’t get to look long before Hudson’s face turns inward and he spots me standing in the kitchen. A lazy smile spreads across his face and I swear my knees shake under my weight.

I wasn’t prepared for this. When I woke up yesterday I did so thinking it was another day I would have to find a way to get through without Hudson. I never imagined that this is where it would lead me. Back to the place I was meant to be all along.

I wish I could justify my choices, say I understand why I made the ones I did, but the truth is I can’t. I think I panicked and let fear guide me instead of my heart. Something I am determined to never let happen again.

“Morning,” Hudson croons, leaning forward to set his coffee on the table next to him when I step out onto the deck.

“Morning.” I set my coffee next to his and instantly climb into his lap, curling into him.

“Did you sleep okay?” he asks, his fingers tracing lazily through my hair.

“Better than I have in a very long time,” I admit.

“Me too.” He kisses my forehead as his arms wrap around me, securing me against his chest.

“I had forgotten how good it felt to fall asleep in your arms.” I snuggle deeper.

“Well, if I have anything to say about it, you’ll never be given the opportunity to forget again.”

“Good. Because I don’t want to.” I pull my head up so that we are nose to nose. “I love you,” I whisper.

“Say it again.” He smiles, his hands sliding up to settle on either side of my face.

“I love you,” I say a little louder.

“Promise you’ll never stop saying those words to me.”

“That’s a promise I think I can keep,” I mutter against his mouth as I press my lips to his.

“Youthinkyou can keep?” He pulls back slightly, his brow arched.

“I mean, I could use a little more convincing,” I tease, seductively running my fingertip down the center of his chest.

“Oh I’ll convince you alright.” He leans in, sucking my bottom lip into his mouth. “And I’m going to enjoy every single second of it,” he promises, abruptly standing, bringing me right along with him.

“Shouldn’t we finish our coffee?” I ask as he stalks across the deck and dips inside.

“Fuck the coffee. There’s something I need a hell of a lot more than caffeine right now,” he grumbles against my lips.

Depositing me on top of our unmade bed, he makes quick work of stripping me of the clothing I just put on. His lips brush across my collarbone as he settles between my legs.

“This one is going to be quick, Lennon. I need to be inside of you now and I’m not going to be gentle. But then I’m going to take my time with you. If you have plans for the day I suggest you cancel them because I’m not letting you leave this bed for the rest of the day.”

With that we become one...
