Page 57 of Force of Nature

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Chapter Twenty


As much as I enjoyedmy weekend with Whitney, even I have to admit how good it feels to be home–something I never thought I’d feel about Wyoming.

Stepping out of the airport into the bright sun, my heart instantly does a full flip in my chest at the sight of Thad leaning against my father’s rusted old truck.

He’s dressed in his usual get up; faded jeans, a fitted tee, and a baseball cap. Today it’s turned backward and he’s sporting a pair of dark sunglasses that make him even sexier, which up until this moment I did not think was possible.

He smiles and I swear I think the same thing all over again. Like seriously, how does someone this good looking actually exist?

Taking a deep breath, I adjust my bag on my shoulder before crossing the pickup lane toward him. The closer I get the faster my feet seem to move, my body acting on it’s on accord.

“Well, you survived.” His smile widens as he gives me a good once over.

“I did.” I allow him to take my bag and toss it into the back of the truck before following him around to the driver’s side.

He waits until I climb up and scoot to the passenger side before joining me in the cab.

“So did you,” I add moments later.

“It was a tough go I’ll admit. But knowing I was going to get to have my way with you today got me through.”

My insides instantly tingle at his words.

“Have your way with me?” I cock a brow, laughter clear in my voice.

“If you think I’m taking you straight home, you have another thing coming.” His eyes move to the road as he pulls out of the pickup lane and circles around toward the exit.

“Is that so?” I try to keep my smile at bay but fail miserably.

“It is,” he confirms, a smirk pulling up the side of his mouth.

“I knew you’d miss me,” I tease, a swarm of butterflies flapping wildly in my stomach.

“Guess I’ll have to show you how much.” He winks, the action clear through the dark lenses of his glasses.

“Guess you will.”

Thad pulls out of the parking lot and takes off speeding down the road.


“Where are we?” I ask, looking around as Thad pulls down a gravel drive in a heavily wooded area.

“You’ll see,” he tells me, his focus straight ahead.

It’s been nearly an hour since we left the airport and the more time that has passed the more anxious I have become. Or maybe impatient is the better word. Because from the moment Thad opened his mouth at the airport, all I have been able to picture is that mouth on me. Tasting me.

I squirm in my seat at the thought, deciding if he doesn’t get somewhere soon I’m liable to climb into his lap and take the release I’m so desperately craving right now.

I’ve never been an overly sexual person. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always enjoyed sex but it’s never been anything I’ve craved before. But with Thad it’s all I can think about. The way he works my body as if he’s spent a life time studying it. He knows how to touch me, how to kiss me, how to bring me to release over and over like he’s done it a million times before.

I may not be certain of much, but one thing I know without a doubt is that no one will ever be able to live up to the bar Thad has set. He’s ruined me for all other men and the sad thing is, I don’t even care that he has. Because right now I have him and right now is what I care about.

“Here we are,” Thad announces, pulling the truck off the gravel road into a clearing between the trees.

“And here is where exactly?” I ask, leaning forward to look around.
