Page 25 of Almost Never

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Chapter Nine


“Hey honey,” my momcalls from the kitchen when I step inside the house.

“Hi,” I call back, able to see her standing behind the large island the instant I walk through the foyer.

Our house isn’t huge, but it boasts an open floorplan which makes it seem a lot more spacious.

“How was your day?” She waits until I drop my book bag on the floor and slide onto one of the stools on the opposite side of the island before pushing a plate of apple slices in my direction.

My mom isn’t usually home when I get in from school, but on the rare occasion that she is, she always has a snack waiting for me.

“It was a day.” I shrug, picking up one of the apple slices.

“Uh oh. I know that face.” She leans forward, resting her elbows on the shiny granite countertop. “What’s going on?”

I consider if I should tell her. I’ve always felt like I could talk to my mom, but I’ve never been much of a sharer. However, in this case, I feel like if I don’t say it out loud, I might burst at the seams.

“Lulu has a new boyfriend.” I sigh, taking a bite of apple.

“Well that’s exciting. What’s wrong? You don’t like the guy?” She tilts her head, her dark bob brushing the top of her shoulder.

“Not exactly.” I fail to meet her gaze, knowing she’ll see the truth the instant she looks in my eyes.

If there’s one person that can read the emotions written across my face, it’s my mom.

“Then what’s the problem?”

I take another bite of apple, taking my time to chew while I think about how I want to answer that question.

“I like him,” I admit, my gaze still turned down.

“Okay...” She draws the word out, obviously not picking up on what I’m subtly trying to say.

“Like,like him, like him.” I look up and meet her green eyes which widen slightly.

“Oh.” She straightens her posture.

“Yeah, oh,” I mutter, letting out a heavy breath.

“Does she know you like him?”


“Does he know?”

“No.” I shake my head. “I didn’t really have time to figure out how I was feeling before Lulu swept in. By the time I did, it was too late.”

“Is this the new boy? The one you were telling me about a few weeks ago?”

“Alec.” I nod slowly. “He asked her to be his girlfriend today.” My bottom lip quivers. “I know it’s stupid. I know I should be happy for them. But...”

“But you can’t help but wish it were you he had asked to be his girlfriend?”

I nod, tears stinging the backs of my eyes.

I feel ridiculous. Childish even. All this over a guy I’ve known only three weeks. Could I be any more pathetic? And even though I know I should just suck it up and move on, I can’t stop the quell of sadness that builds inside of me at the thought.
