Page 4 of Almost Never

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I’m just about to press her on the matter when something behind her catches my eye. I suck in a ragged breath at the sight of him, standing a few feet from the register with a tray in his hands. If possible, he looks even more handsome than he did this morning. I watch his eyes scour the cafeteria, no doubt looking for somewhere to sit, when his gaze locks with mine. Recognition flashes across his face.

I swear my stomach nearly doubles over on itself as I watch him start to make his way toward us.

Lulu, curious by my reaction, turns right as Alec steps up beside her. I don’t have time to gauge her reaction as my gaze swings back to him.

“Hi.” He smiles.

“Hi,” I return, already feeling the heat creep up my neck.

“Mind if I join you?” he asks, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

“Please,” I blurt, gesturing to the three open seats between me and Lulu at the round table. He takes the one in the middle, sliding his tray down in front of him. I watch the cotton of his black tee stretch across his broad shoulders, and a flurry of butterflies erupts in my stomach.

I haven’t been able to tear my gaze away from him since he approached and I probably wouldn’t have if it weren’t for Lulu, not so subtly, clearing her throat to garner my attention. I flip my gaze to her and see her nod her head in his direction. I know her well enough to know what she wants.

“Alec, this is my best friend, Lucy.” I gesture across the table.

“Lulu.” She smiles, correcting my usage of her real name.

“Lulu, this is Alec,” I continue like she didn’t speak at all. “He just transferred from...” I trail off, realizing I have no idea where he’s from.

“Beckley High,” he answers, opening his milk carton.

“Where is that exactly? I’ve never heard of it before.” Lulu is the first to ask.

“It’s in California.”

“California.” She leans in like she already can’t get enough.I know the feeling...“So, what brings you all the way to Missouri?” she asks, resting her cheek on her palm as she gives him her full attention.

I know what she’s doing. I’ve seen her do it a thousand times before and the thought leaves me feeling a little nauseous.

“Long story,” he grunts, taking a drink of his milk.

“Well lucky for you, we have time.” She bats her eyelashes at him, bringing a hint of a smile to his lips.

“Condensed version. My parents divorced and my mom moved us out here to be closer to her sister.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” I interject, suddenly feeling like an outsider at the table.

“It’s for the best.” He shrugs. “The more distance that separates the two of them, the better.”

“I know the feeling,” I mutter. “Though my parents might as well live in two different states given how little my dad actually comes around.”

“Parents can really complicate things sometimes,” he agrees.

“Even if they’re still together.” Lulu slides back into the conversation. “I wish my parents would divorce. It would make my life a lot easier.”

He lifts a brow at her in question.

“Lulu’s parents are... Well, overprotective,” I explain.

“Overprotective is putting it mildly.” She pouts. “Most days I feel like I live in a prison.”

“At least they care,” he offers.

“I guess that’s one way of looking at it.”

“So Alec, how’s your first day been so far?” I ask, redirecting the conversation. If given the chance, Lulu will talk about herself all day long.
