Page 94 of Almost Never

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“Then we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.” His dark gaze holds mine. “I don’t know what the future holds for us, but I do know that I’ll never forgive myself if we don’t at least try because we’re too afraid it might not work.”

“Me too.”

“I’m not naïve enough to believe that things will always be perfect. We are going to fight sometimes and I’m sure we’ll have our fair share of disagreements. But at the end of the day, those are the things that will bring us even closer together.”

“I just can’t help but feel like all of this is happening too fast.”

“Maybe it is. But we don’t operate on anyone’s timeline but our own. This isn’t about being normal or what the world views as acceptable. What is normal, anyway? We’re just two people who love each other and want to be together. There’s no shame in that.”

“I know that.”

“Do you?” He pulls back slightly. “Because a part of me feels like maybe you’re still holding back. Are you afraid of what other people will think?”

“No, of course not. The people that matter know how long I’ve loved you. My mom probably won’t even bat an eye. It’s not about anyone else. I just don’t want you to wake up a week from now, or a month, or even in a year, and realize you’ve made a terrible mistake.”

“The only mistake I could ever make would be letting you slip through my fingers again.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” I promise, running my hand down his hair covered jaw.

“I know we still have a lot to figure out. And we will figure it out, together.”

“Together.” I smile.

“Now, why don’t you take your little worry cap off and I can show you just how much you’re going to love waking up next to me every morning for forever.” The way he looks at me sends a thrill straight down my spine.

“Why, Mr. Murray. You are insatiable,” I say in my best southern accent.

When he drops his head back on a hearty laugh, I’m not sure if I want to laugh with him or burst into tears I’m so happy.

When I came home last night, I didn’t expect to find him sitting in front of my door. I didn’t expect to have him pour his heart out to me the way he did. I didn’t expect that he would pack up all his belongings and move to the city to be with me. I didn’t expect to open my eyes this morning to find him lying next to me. But you know what they say, some of life’s greatest moments are the ones you never see coming.

I’ve spent the last six years loving Alec from afar. And now here he is. In my apartment. In my bed. Holding onto me like there isn’t a thing in the world that would make him let go.

And I know the feeling. Because I’m never letting him go again. I’ve waited too long for this moment to let it slip through my fingers.

I think I finally realized that instead of waiting for the perfect moment to be together, we had to create the moment for ourselves.

And this is it. This is our moment.

No more what ifs and could have beens. No more almosts. No more nevers.

It doesn’t matter if we sink or swim. All that matters is that we do it together.
