Page 25 of You and I

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By the time Friday rolls around, I have talked myself in and out of canceling on Bentley about three hundred times but ultimately, I know it's something I have to do. I would never forgive myself if I passed up this opportunity. I know myself well enough to at least admit that much.

So as I apply the finishing touches of my makeup and take a step back to look at myself in the floor length mirror on the back of my bedroom door, I try to focus on how I look and not how I feel. I kept my makeup light, as to not give the impression that I am trying too hard, and decided to leave my long brown hair hanging loosely down my back. I look good. Not overdone, just good. But even still, the nervous energy radiating through me is enough to have me practically bouncing out of my skin.

It doesn't help matters that Bentley and I never discussed where he was picking me up. He said seven, I just assumed he meant he would pick me up here but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that he has no clue wherehereis. But knowing he has access to all my personal information via the club, I settled on accepting that one way or another, he will find me.

The moment the doorbell rings and Patty's voice fills the space, my heart triples in speed. I hadn't thought about what Patty would think. Hell, I hadn't thought about Patty at all up to this point beyond telling her that I had a date tonight. No other details, no indication of who this man is. Just that, a date.

Shaking my head, I take one more glance at myself in the mirror. Having no idea what Bentley has in store for me this evening, I went with a casual black cocktail dress and matching heels. Dressy enough for a nicer establishment but not too overdone for a more casual environment. Hell, for all I know I may end up spending the entire night naked, which now that I think about it, wouldn't be half bad.

“Anna.” Patty's voice echos down the hallway just as I push my way through my bedroom door. I immediately spot her at the end of the hall. She smiles at me as I approach but I can tell by the look on her face that she's concerned.

“What is it?” I ask, my voice hushed. She gestures her eyes to the left and I follow her gaze. Standing next to the door is an older gentleman, probably in his early sixties, with salt and pepper hair and a pudgy face. He stands just a few inches taller than me and is dressed in an all black suit and has his arms folded behind his back.

“He's a little old for you isn't he?” She asks quietly. Immediately I burst into laughter causing her forehead to scrunch together and her eyes to bore into mine as if she is trying to figure out if I have finally gone off the deep end.

“That's not him.” I laugh again. Relief immediately floods her face and she smiles hesitantly at me. “Hello.” I say, turning my attention to the older gentleman as I take a couple of steps into the living room.

“Ms. Blake.” He smiles warmly at me. “I'm Mr. Colbers. But you can call me John. Mr. Reed sent me to retrieve you. I will be your driver for this evening. Shall we?” He asks, gesturing towards the door. Not sure what else to do, I nod and then turn my attention back to Patty.

“Don't wait up.” I say, giving her a quick peck on the cheek before turning my attention back to driver. I am not sure whether to be offended or intrigued by the fact that Bentley chose to send someone after me rather than coming himself.

I exit through the front door and follow John down the narrow sidewalk that leads to the long gravel driveway. The moment I spot the black Limousine, my steps falter. I have never been in a limo before and honestly, I am a bit unnerved that Bentley felt like he needed to impress me with such frivolous things. It's clear that he knows nothing about me but I guess I can't fault him for that, it's not like I have been that forthcoming with him.

Holding the door open for me, John waits until I climb inside the spacious back seat before closing the door behind me. It takes me a moment to take in my surroundings. Long leather seats line each side of the vehicle while two shorter benches line the front and back. Taking a seat in the very back, I immediately notice a white envelope laying on the seat next to me.Loganscrawled across the front in perfect cursive writing.

As the vehicle starts to move, I pick up the envelope, my shaking hands fumbling with the flap before finally peeling it open. Pulling out a piece of paper that feels more like card stock, I flip it over and read the words beautifully written across it.

I apologize for not picking you up personally. I had some last minute business to attend to. There is champagne in the side bar. Please help yourself.

I will see you soon. -Bentley

I can't help but smile as I stuff the paper back into the envelope and then slip it into my purse. I don't know why I feel the need to keep it but something tells me I am going to want to remember every aspect of this night, down to the very last detail. Because for tonight, for this one night, I get to be someone else.

To Bentley, I am Logan. I am confident and in charge and not afraid to take everything he has to offer. Tonight, it's okay that I am riding in a limo, currently popping open a bottle of champagne that probably costs more than I make in a week. It's okay that he doesn't know me and that I don't know him. I can be and do anything I want, and as I watch the stars disappear through the moon roof the closer we get to the city, I promise myself that I will make tonight everything I know it can be.

By the time we pull up outside ofThe Luminous Hotel, the most luxurious hotel Chicago has to offer, I feel somewhat calmer by the two glasses of champagne I managed to drink on the way over. Not being much of a drinker, the small amount has worked wonders on my nerves but that doesn't mean my heart doesn't find it's way into my throat the moment John opens the back door and holds his hand out for me.

I try to keep my hand still as I place it in his and allow him to guide me out of the backseat. “Mr. Reed will meet you in the lounge.” He says, closing the door behind me as I step up on the curb, for the first time really taking in the beauty of the building in front of me.

Of course I have seen this hotel many times, being one of the larger buildings on this strip, but I never really paid much attention to it until now. Looking up, I sway slightly under the large building towering over me. Like Bentley, it is more than a little overwhelming.

Taking a deep breath, I turn my attention to the driver. “Thank you.” I say, giving him a warm smile.

“It was my pleasure.” He responds, matching my smile with one of his own. “I shall see you in the morning.” He says, turning and making his way around the front of the car.

“Tomorrow?” I blurt, turning wide eyes to face him.

“Have a lovely evening Ms. Blake.” He says, giving me another warm smile before disappearing inside of the car. Taking a hard swallow, I straighten my shin length dress before pushing my way through the double set of revolving doors leading into the lobby.

The moment my heels click against the perfectly polished marble floor, my steps falter.The Luminousis unlike anything I have ever seen before. White pillars line the center walkway, stretching up to the high ceiling that is painted to look like the night sky. A large fountain sits in the center and two reception areas sit to each side of it.

Taking a deep breath, I make my way to the desk on the right where a young woman greets me the moment I approach. “Welcome to The Luminous. How may I help you today?” She asks, smiling widely at me.

“I am meeting someone here.” I stutter through my words and am fairly certain that my cheeks are bright red by the time I continue. “In the lounge.”

“Name?” She asks.
