Page 45 of You and I

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Stepping back, his eyes scan my face, no doubt looking for signs of sarcasm. I am not sure what he sees when he looks at me, but clearly he decides that whatever it is, he finally has me agreeing to what he wants and doesn't question it further. Smiling, he entwines his fingers with mine and waits until I step next to him before leading me to the beach hand in hand.

I slip off my heels the moment we reach the sand, stepping forward to let my feet sink into the warm grains that immediately swallow my toes. Bentley does the same, taking my heels and tossing them in the grass next to his shoes, before taking my hand once more and leading me further down the beach.

We walk several feet before I finally speak. Unsure of what to say, I ask the first obvious thing that pops into my head. “Where are we going?”

“You'll see.” He says, once again giving me no indication as to what he has planned for me tonight. “We're almost there.” He adds, throwing me a smile before turning his attention forward again.

“I don't get you.” I say, unintentionally speaking what I am thinking.

He laughs lightly but doesn't look in my direction as he continues walking. “What don't you get exactly?” He asks, eyes forward.

“You could have anyone you want.” I make an obvious statement.

“Is that a question?” He asks, his smile just as infectious from the side.

“So why are you here?” I ask, trying to keep my voice steady.

“I've already told you.” He says, slowing to a stop and turning to face me. “I'm here for you.”

“But why?” I can't stop the words from falling off my lips.

“Isn't it obvious?” He asks, cocking his head slightly as if he doesn't understand the question, even though I know he knows what I am really asking.

“It's confusing is what it is.” I laugh at myself, feeling a weight lift from just simply saying what it is that I feel.

He laughs lightly, contemplating my words for a moment before finally responding. “I apologize if my actions seem over the top or confusing. As you said, in not so many words, I have never had to chase a woman before. This whole thing is very new to me.”

“So that's what this is then?” I ask.

“I don't know what this is.” He admits, reaching out to trail his hand down my jaw. “All I know.” He says, letting his hand fall to my bare shoulder and then down my arm, his fingertips grazing softly across my flesh causing my skin to prickle. “Is that I crave you.” His words get lost as the wind whips through the air and his mouth closes down on mine.

They echo over and over again through my head like a broken record on repeat as his tongue works long sweeps inside of my mouth and his hands pull my body flush against his. I want to fight against it. I want to find that cool confidence that I fake in situations like this to pull myself away but I can't muster the strength to do it. Honestly, if he wanted to take me right here and now in plain view of anyone from the land above, I think I would let him.

He slows the kiss, eventually breaking away from my mouth on a breathless exhale. Pulling back, his eyes bounce back and forth between mine, desperately trying to gauge my reaction. Just trying to break the heaviness of the moment, I say the first thing that comes to my mind.

“I thought you were going to feed me.” I say, laughing when a bright smile lights up his face.

“You are correct.” He smiles wider. “Come on.” He says, taking my hand once more as he leads me further down the beach.

It doesn't take long before I can see something ahead of us. It's too far away to see exactly what it is but the closer we get, the more clear it becomes. It isn't until I am standing over a blanket, a spread of food and wine laid out before me, that I realize what he's done.

“I heard you have a soft spot for picnics.” He smiles, taking a seat on the blanket before patting the spot next to him. Shaking my head, I take a step forward and sit directly across from him, stretching my legs to the side as my dress offers very little coverage when sitting on the ground.

“I should have known.” I say, looking around at all of my favorite finger foods displayed in containers around the blanket. “Andrea.” I sigh, knowing full well she had everything to do with this. “She's how you knew I was here. She put the dress on my bed.” I shake my head, having a hard time believing I didn't see it earlier.

“You already knew her.” I say, remembering how they pretended they had never met earlier at the pool. “How long?”

“I met her at your dorm a few weeks ago.” He admits, retrieving the bottle of wine from the ice bucket. Reaching to the side, he grabs two glasses before continuing. “I went there looking for you.” He fills one glass and then hands it to me before filling his own. “The rest is history.”

“History?” I question, not sure if I should feel angry or flattered that he has gone to such lengths to get close to me. “Just how much interaction have you had with her?”

“Please don't be upset. I realize how completely invasive it is to use your best friend to get information about you, but you really left me very little choice. Besides, she voluntarily offered up suggestions, I didn't go to her looking for them.”

“Of course she did.” I shake my head, feeling such an array of emotions that I am having trouble grasping how all of this truly makes me feel.

“I just want the chance to get to know you.” He says, waiting until I meet his eyes before continuing. “Is that such a bad thing?”

“Why do you want to know me so badly?” I ask, my confusion clear in my voice.
