Page 56 of You and I

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“I happen to think you look quite cute.” He wipes his mouth with a napkin and coughs again.

“And I happen to think you need glasses.” I retort, dropping another piece of the delicious pastry into my mouth. I didn't realize until right now just how hungry I am and it is taking everything I have not to just start shoving all this amazing looking food into my mouth. But at the risk of embarrassing myself, I tear off another piece of the pastry and continue to eat it in small controlled bites.

Laughing, Bentley shakes his head. “You have clothes on the couch.” He says, gesturing inside. Immediately I glance through the window trying to locate what he's talking about.

“How did you get me clothes here?” I ask, unsure as to what he's gotten me and where he's gotten it from.

“They have personal shoppers here. I sent Claire out this morning. She's close to your age and has an eye for fashion. I told her to keep it casual.” He tacks on when my eyes narrow in concern.

“You bought me clothes?” I look at him like he has three heads. “I own my own clothing, you realize this yes?” I ask, trying not to seem like an ungrateful brat but wanting him to understand that he doesn't need to buy me things.

“I do.” He says, nodding. “But I also have a busy day planned and didn't want to waste an hour of it driving you home. So, rather than taking you to your clothes, I brought clothes to you.” He says, matter of fact.

“You're ridiculous.” I joke, wanting to back track to two minutes ago and stop worrying about something as frivolous as clothing.

“And you're slow.” He says, looking at the half eaten pastry in front of me.

“Hmph.” I pick up my pastry and orange juice and walk swiftly by him, shaking my hips as I go. “Me and my pastry will just go elsewhere then.” I quip, squealing loudly when his arm snakes around my waist and pulls me onto his lap, nearly spilling my orange juice down the front of him. “Bentley.” I protest, holding both of my hands up, one with my pastry, the other with my juice.

“What was that again?” He smiles, wrapping his hand around the back of my neck and pulling my face down to his. “Go get dressed birthday girl.” He whispers against my mouth before taking my lips gently with his. “Go.” He says, pulling back and helping me from his lap, giving my ass a hard smack as I walk away, once again making me squeal.

I grab the clothes from the back of the couch and drape them over my arm, stuffing the remainder of my pastry in my mouth as I cross the space and slip back inside the bedroom. Setting my orange juice on top of the dresser, I lay the clothes across the bed and take a good look at what Claire picked out for me.

To my surprise, she didn't do half bad. When he said personal shopper, I was afraid she would come back with something entirely too fancy for my simple style but she did quite the opposite actually. She got me a pair of dark jeans and a pale blue, loose fitting tank top that is so thin, it's nearly see through. Luckily, she also brought me a white cami to wear underneath it along with a white bra and matching panties.

I purposely avoid looking for a price tag as I check all the sizes. I slip each article of clothing on, not the least bit surprised that every item fits me perfectly. Thankful that I put some makeup in my purse before I left the house last night, I quickly put on a light layer of mascara and lip gloss before making my way back into the living area.

Bentley is in the kitchen when I come out. His eyes immediately find mine as I turn the corner. A slow smile pulls up the corner of his mouth as he trails them slowly down my body and then back up to my face again.

“Do I look okay?” I ask, not sure why I even asked the question. It is so unlike me to ask a guy his opinion on my appearance.

“You're perfect.” He smiles, the warmness of it completely relaxing my insecurities and putting my mind at ease. “Are you ready?”

“Yeah let me just get my shoes.” I say, stopping dead in my tracks. “Wait. I don't have any shoes.” I realize.

“Claire got you sandals too. They're by the door.” He gives me a look that says I should have already known that.

“I'm starting to like this Claire.” I say, when I cross the room and find the cutest pair of brown sandals accented with blue beads that match my tank top perfectly, sitting next to the door.

“I will remember that.” He slides in behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind and pulling my backside into him. “Are we ready now?” He smiles into my neck, placing a soft kiss just below my jaw before pulling back.

“You still haven't told me where we are going.” I say, stepping out into the hall when Bentley opens the door for me.

“All in good time my sweet girl. All in good time.” He drapes his arm across my shoulder and proceeds to lead me down the hall to the private elevator, giving me no other indication about what this day will hold for me.

As much as I dislike surprises, I have to admit that there is something so freeing about giving all of the control to Bentley and just seeing where the day takes me. I think this is the first time I have ever felt like I can just let go and trust that whatever happens will be exactly what is meant to happen.
