Page 13 of Force of Gravity

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Swinging the door shut, I turn around as Brennon appears at the mouth of the hallway.

“That was quick,” he muses.

“Been a while.” I shrug. “Hope you enjoyed the show.”

“Not the first time I’ve seen your cock shoved into something. What’s your aversion to closing doors?”

“I don’t know. I guess I get caught up in the moment and it doesn’t seem like a priority.”

“Dude, my sister is staying with us. Make it a priority. How the fuck do you think she would have reacted if it had been her that saw that shit?”

I have to bite my tongue as to not say something I’ll regret. While Brennon is pretty lax when it comes to the beef between me and his sister, I know better than to push my luck. She is, after all, his twin, and one of the most important people in his life.

“That’s my bad,” I say instead. “Next time I’ll make sure to close the door.”

“I’d appreciate that.” He crosses the room, flopping down on the couch. “Who was that chick anyway?”

“Rachel... err... something,” I murmur when I realize I don’t know her last name. “She’s in one of my classes. Spoke to her for the first time today.”

“Fuck, dude.” He chuckles. “Didn’t take you long to get her on her knees.”

“Never does,” I boast, collapsing on the opposite end of the couch from him.

Okay, I get what you’re thinking. This guy is a Grade A douche bag. And maybe you aren’t completely wrong. But honestly, I’m not that bad of a dude. I find girls who share the same sexual mentality as me and we have fun. I don’t mislead them and I sure as fuck don’t leave them with any kind of expectations for a future. So really, who am I hurting?

“You talk to your dad yet?”

I immediately tense at his question.

“Dude, what the fuck?” I toss my hands up. “Why you gotta ruin my after orgasm high by asking shit like that?”

Are you sensing some animosity here? Good, you should be. Because as far as this father/son relationship goes, it’s like dog shit on the bottom of your shoe. Disgusting, unwanted, and no matter what you do you can’t get rid of the smell.

“Wait, did he call you?”

Brennon nods, confirming my suspicions.

“What the fuck, man. I’m sorry.” I’ve been purposely avoiding his calls since I threw all my shit in my Jeep and hit the road. I should have known he’d call Brennon when his calls to me continued to go unanswered. “What did he want?”

“He wanted to make sure you got here safely and are settling in okay.”

“Like he fucking cares,” I mutter under my breath. “It’s all for show. You know it is. Sorry for pulling you into the middle of it. Fucker just can’t get a clue.”

“Listen, dude, I’ve kept my mouth shut about this for a while because I know the shit between you two is complicated.”

“That’s putting it mildly,” I interject.

“But he’s still your dad,” Brennon continues like I didn’t even speak. “You’re going to have to forgive him eventually.”

“And what exactly am I forgiving him for? For cheating on my mom? For being the reason she left? For moving his mistress into our house and trying to make her my new mother? Because if you ask him, all of these things are perfectly fucking acceptable actions.”

“What he did was fucked up, I’m not disputing that. But you’re going to have to let this shit go. If not for him then for yourself.”

“I don’t need to let shit go. It’s not weighing on me one fucking bit. I’m three thousand fucking miles away from him and loving every second of it. So do me a favor, next time he calls tell him to go fuck himself.” At that exact moment, the door swings open and my gaze cuts to Barlow, her small frame hunched forward slightly due to the weight of the bag on her shoulders. “Now, if you wanna address the real problem I’m having,” I say directly to her.

I watch her little nose flare the way it always does whenever I speak to, or around, her. The fact that she hates me so much is comical. Not sure what the fuck I did to deserve it, but I sure as shit love feeding the fire. Okay, so maybe I kind of deserve it...

“Let me guess, you caught an STD from the bimbo I saw leaving?” she bites back, not missing a fucking beat.
