Page 33 of Force of Gravity

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Holding in my eye roll is like someone twisting a knife in my gut and not being able to scream. Impossible. At least I have the forethought to look down before doing it, as to not be too obvious.


“Oh, Katrina.” She smiles, bouncing on the balls of her feet nervously.

Don’t worry, they all feel the same way, I want to say in regard to his many conquests. Nervous, excited, over the moon elated that they’re the girl on Atlas’s arm.GAG.

But again, somehow I manage to keep it to myself. Though it’s not without great struggle.

Grabbing a cup, I write her name and order on the side in marker, setting it on the counter before turning my gaze back to Atlas.

“And for you?” I ask flatly.

“You know, I think I’ll have what she’s having.” He looks at Katrina and grins.

I give him a stiff nod, grabbing another cup before writing the same thing on it. Only in place of his name, I write Rachel. You know, the girl he was fucking in our apartment last weekend. Maybe she’ll see it and ask who Rachel is. Though I doubt he’d tell her the truth even if she did.

“Why don’t you go grab us a table and I’ll wait here for our drinks?” He slides his arm from her shoulders, tipping her chin up before laying a brief kiss to her mouth.

“Okay.” She giggles again when he pulls away, annoyingly if you ask me, and saunters over to a table next to the front window.

“So, you gonna keep this silent treatment up much longer because it’s getting a little old?” Atlas leans his elbows against the counter as he watches me make their drinks.

I don’t respond.

“It’s rude not to speak to a customer when they’re speaking to you.” He tsks at me.

Again, I don’t respond.

I asked what they wanted to order, he’s lucky he got that much.

“Can you at least tell me what I did wrong?”

I let out a high pitched laugh, covering my mouth with my hand to muffle the sound. If he doesn’t know what he did wrong then he’s a lot more fucked up than I realized.

But here’s the thing. I’m not even mad anymore. Not really. Atlas is Atlas. This is who he’s always been. More than anything, I’m hurt. We fuck with each other all the time. It’s what we do. But he took things too far last weekend. If he doesn’t know that already, I sure as hell am not going to spell it out for him.

I finish making their drinks, turning to set them on the counter in front of Atlas when they’re done.

I make a move to pick up the cash he drops on the counter when his hand darts out, fingers closing around my wrist before I have time to react and step away.

“Is this about Friday?” His voice is low, a whisper even.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I rip my hand away, nearly knocking one of the drinks over in the process. Luckily, I manage to save it just in the nick of time.

“So itisabout Friday.” A cocky smile slides across his face. He studies me for a long moment. I can see the wheels turning in that stupid, pretty head of his. “It all makes sense,” he announces like he hadn’t thought about it until now. “You’re jealous.”

“I’m sorry?” I take a step back, not sure if I’m preparing to walk away or lunge across the counter and attack him like some wild animal.

“That’s it, isn’t it? You’re pissed that we kissed and then I had my dick in another girl the very next day.” His smile widens, his dimples making their grand appearance.

“I do not give two shits where you put your dick,” I hiss, trying to keep my voice low.

“And here I thought you were pissed about the couch,” he continues. “But that’s not it at all, is it? Damn, how did I not see it before now?” He seems amused, pleased even.

I step forward, leaning across the counter, getting right in his face.

“In case you’ve forgotten, that kiss was your idea.Youinitiated it. I never wanted to kiss you in the first place. I sure as shit don’t ever want to do it again. So wipe that smug look off your face and focus on someone who’s stupid enough to fall for your bullshit.” My gaze slides to the pretty brunette who’s looking at her phone, completely oblivious to us.
