Page 48 of Force of Gravity

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“I bet you just love this.” I bite back another gag, certain there’s no way there could be anything left inside of me.

“Oh yes, how I love watching a chick puke her guts out in a sink. Didn’t you know, it’s one of my fetishes?”

“Shut up.” I try to push at his chest but it feels like every ounce of strength I had went down the drain alongside the contents of my stomach.

He catches my wrist, pulling me to his side before dropping an arm around my shoulder.

“Come on, I think you’ve done enough partying for one night.” He guides me out of the kitchen and through the crowded living area before we walk outside.

“What about Brennon?” I ask, feeling mildly better when the cool evening air washes over my face.

“I’ll text him. Let him know I’m taking you home. Maybe then he can enjoy the party and not be worrying about you.”

“You realize how ridiculous this all is, right? He can party and have the time of his life and I can’t? Why is that fair? Why does he get to treat me like I’m somehow his responsibility?”

“Because you’re a girl.”

“Sexist much?” I slide down onto one of the concrete steps that lead down to the sidewalk, needing a moment.

“Has nothing to do with being sexist. You’re a girl, a very petite girl at that. One who could be easily overpowered. Facts are facts.” He slides down next to me, pulling his cell phone out of his back pocket.

“I’m stronger than you think,” I grumble.

“Strong or not, there’s some really fucked up people in this world and like it or not, you are more vulnerable than some because of your sex, age, and overall size. It is what it is.” His fingers fly across the screen of his phone, no doubt texting Brennon.

“You don’t think it’s weird that my brother hovers over me like I’m a baby?”

“He worries about you.” He shrugs, locking his phone before sliding it back into his pocket.

“And what’s your excuse?” I give him a sideways glance. “And don’t say it’s because I’m like a sister to you, because I promise you, I will puke again and this time it will be all over your pretty white tennis shoes.”

“Saying you’re like a sister to me is a bad thing?” He seems mildly amused.

“Considering a week ago you had your tongue down my throat, yeah, it’s a very bad thing.”

“Fair enough.” He chuckles. “Then how about this, Brennon is like my brother and I feel an obligation to protect the people he loves. And he does love you, Barlow. Very much.”

“Well, maybe he should love me a little less.”

“You’re lucky to have someone that cares about you the way Brennon does.”

“He cares about you the same.” I pause. “Okay, well, not entirely the same.” I laugh lightly. “But you know what I mean. You’re his family just as much as I am.”

“And what about you? Do you care about me, too?” He bumps his shoulder against mine.

“Me? Fuck no. I can’t stand your ass.” My words are riddled with humor as I push to my feet, swaying slightly once I’m all the way upright.

“Yeah, right back at you.” He smirks, linking his arm through mine to steady me as he comes to a stand next to me. “I’m thinking we should probably get you home.”

“Can we do something else instead?” I ask, pouting out my lower lip when we reach the curb.

“Like what?”

“Well, first things first, I need a toothbrush, so any convenience store will do. I feel like I licked a skunks butt and gargled with cat pee.”

“Um, gross.” Atlas laughs.

“Then,” I continue like he didn’t even speak, “I think you should treat me to a big, juicy cheeseburger.” I rub my belly with my free hand.
