Page 54 of Force of Gravity

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“Does that mean you’re going to tell me about what’s going on with you and Brennon’s friend? What was his name? Atlas?”

I swear it feels like my heart leaps into my throat.

“Ha!” I snort under my breath. “Absolutely nothing.”

“You sure?” She arches a perfectly sculpted brow at me.

“Very.” I nod, not meeting her gaze as I turn my attention to the front of the room.

Whether she believes me or not, she doesn’t say any more on the matter and we spend the remainder of class focused on the lesson. While I do my best not to think too much of it, I can’t seem to shake this weird feeling that has formed in the pit of my stomach.

If Rita picked up on something between me and Atlas, does that mean something’s there? Or does that mean I’m shit at hiding my physical attraction to him and she could see it written all over my face when he approached me at the party?

Deciding that must be it, I don’t bring it up as we leave class and thankfully, neither does she. We make small talk until we’re outside and part ways.

No offense to her but even if I wanted to talk to her about Atlas, there’s no way I could. Not with her and my brother dating, or hanging out, or whatever the hell it is they’re doing.

Besides, there’s nothing to talk about ...

I know I said I’m a shit liar, but I feel like maybe my skills are improving, because the more I say nothing is going on, the more I’m actually starting to believe it.

Because honestly... What is going on?

We shared a kiss for silence.

We almost kissed again, but we were both drunk so that doesn’t count.

We ate burgers together and wrestled on the couch. It was completely innocent.

And yet, it didn’t feel innocent in the slightest. At least not to me. To Atlas, it was probably nothing. He probably hasn’t thought twice about a single moment we’ve shared over the last few days. And why would he?

He’s Atlas freaking Keaton.

He can quite literally have any girl he wants. And I think he’s made it pretty clear he doesn’t want me.

I’ll never be the kind of girl he’s into. Curvy. Sexy. Perfect.

I’ve seen the women he’s been with over the years. They are always the prettiest. Always the most popular. Always the girl every other guy wants but who only wants Atlas.

And I’ll always just be this.

Little Barlow. Brennon’s sister. Cute as a puppy with the bite of a viper. Not sexy. Not appealing.Not even a blip on his radar.

I made my peace with how he views me long ago. I didn’t care if he thought I was sexy. Hell, I didn’t care if he thought about me at all. Or at least that’s what I was able to convince myself of for years.

But that kiss.

That kiss changed everything.

That kiss made it impossible for me to ignore the attraction, the hunger, the ache that I pretend doesn’t consume me every time he walks into a room.

And what’s worse, he hasn’t been completely insufferable either.

Sure, he still picks on me daily, but there’s no cruelty to it.

We even managed to sit through an entire football game on Sunday without bickering once. I’m pretty sure my brother assumed I was hungover because he’s never heard us that quiet around each other.

All the things Atlas does that drives me nuts – that makes it easy for me to hate him – he suddenly isn’t doing. At least not to the same extreme. Which should make me happy, right? We did call a truce after all, did we not?
