Page 98 of Fire and Silk

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I have no idea where I am. Hours pass as I wander aimlessly through the dark. My back aches. My head throbs. Shivers rack my body as the cool air whips through my wet clothing like little icicles piercing my skin.

And just when I feel like there’s no way I can walk another step, I spot a gas station sign a few yards ahead, breathing new life into me. I take a deep breath and push forward, finally reaching the run down station as the first of the sun’s rays begin to light the sky.

I’m operating on autopilot as I enter the store, the chirp of the bell startling me when it announces my arrival. Seconds later, a clerk pops their head out from behind the counter, his eyes widening when he gets a good look at me.

Stumbling to the counter, I lean against it for support.

“I need to use your phone.” My voice crackles past my dry throat.

“Um, are you okay, miss?” The middle aged man’s face is nothing short of alarmed.

“Your phone.” I smack the counter with what little energy I have, causing him to jump slightly.

“Yeah, okay.” He nods in quick succession, turning to retrieve a cordless landline phone from its docking station. Seconds later, he slides it into my outstretched hand.

My fingers shake as I try to punch in the number I know by heart. And when the phone starts to ring, I swear I stop breathing.

And then her voice comes on the line and everything else seems to fade into the background.

“Mom,” I sob, my legs giving out as I dissolve into a puddle of tears on the floor.
