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Chapter Three

“Scarlett, Mrs. Jonesis here for her scone order,” Kari calls into the kitchen from the front counter.

“Give me two minutes,” I holler back, trying to get the three dozen situated properly into one box.

I’ve been back from California for a little over a week, and while my life has thankfully pretty much returned to normal, my days are now haunted with thoughts of a certain breathtakingly handsome man and his promise to see me soon.

When I close my eyes, I can see his piercing blue ones staring back at me. I can feel his mouth on mine. The heat that overtook my body under his touch. I can see and feel a lot of things that I don't want to be feeling, yet I can't control it.

It's because of this that I made plans with Carson tonight. Well not really plans, more like arrangements to take out some of my sexual frustrations on him. I haven’t seen him since I returned home. It’s unusual for us to go this long without seeing each other. But if I’m being honest, I haven’t felt up to it.

I think part of it is that I feel like I should tell him about Westin. It’s not like I cheated on him, considering we aren’t exclusive, but doesn’t he have the right to know if the person he’s sleeping with recently slept with someone else? And even if I did tell him and he didn’t care, that doesn’t mean that I don’t care.

Turning my attention back to the scones, I’m finally able to arrange them in a way that the lid closes properly. I tape the flap down and quickly make my way into the lobby.

“Everything okay back there?” Kari asks, after ringing out the customer and waiting until she’s walked away. “You seem to be off in your own little world today.” She laughs, twirling her finger in the air.

“Just distracted.” I shrug.

“Uh huh.” She shakes her head at me. “You’ve beendistracted,” she makes quotations with her fingers, “since returning from California.”

“Trust me, if you could see this man, you would be distracted too,” I say, fanning myself in a way that has Kari bursting out in laughter.

“Okay. As long as you know that eventually you’re going to have to stop daydreaming and make a decision where said 'lover boy' is concerned.”

“There is no decision to be made. I’m seeing Carson tonight. I'm going about my life like last week never happened. Westin is a thing of the past.” I swipe my hand through the air.

Kari knows every detail there is to know about Westin, including where I stand on the matter. But that means she also sees my weakness where he's concerned.

“If you say so,” she singsongs, turning her attention to another customer that approaches the counter.

Sighing loudly, I make my way around the other side of the counter to adjust some of the bakery items on display.

Layersis a small, intimate bakery. It sits along a main strip full of shops and restaurants in the heart of Rockland and business is very good for us. We mainly specialize in coffee and pastries.

There’s a small dining room set up with round tables and old diner style chairs for eat in customers, but we also do catering and parties, which makes up a good portion of our business.

The floors are covered in black and white tile, while the walls are pale pinks and purples with cupcakes, scones, cookies, and other tasty treats hand painted across them. My friend, Jamie, painted them while the bakery was still under construction. She's amazingly talented in a lot of different areas and painting just happens to be one of them- though she just does it for fun.

There’s also a glass counter full of displayed items that sits against the back wall next to the cash register that is usually either manned by Jules or Becca, but since both of them are out sick today, it’s currently being operated by Kari.

I kind of like it when it's just the two of us. Reminds me of when we first opened, before things really took off. While I’m thankful for all of our success, I also miss the calm and simplicity of being a less established business.

Deciding I need to get back to work, I make sure Kari doesn't need anything before ducking back into the kitchen. This is the one place where I feel free. I call the shots back here. It's the one place where I can create anything I want. My little slice of heaven.


ILOCK UP THE BAKERYjust after eight and make my way upstairs to the small space that I have spent a year renovating into an apartment. It's not much. An open kitchen and living room with hardwood floors and beige walls. One bedroom. One bathroom.

It’s not luxurious by any means, but it's nice and comfortable, and it beats living with Kari any day. Not that I minded living with her, but at twenty-six, I felt like it was time to have a place of my own.

The main reason we settled on this particular location forLayerswas because of this space. I was so relieved when it was finally finished. I didn't realize what renovating an apartment entailed until we actually got started.

I toss my phone on the kitchen counter and head to my bedroom to clean up before going to Carson's. Not that I need to dress up when I plan on getting naked, but I think a shower is definitely in order.

Twenty minutes later, I’m walking out the door with wet hair, very little in the way of makeup, and wearing black yoga pants with a purple t-shirt.

It only takes me about fifteen minutes to walk to Carson's apartment from mine. Unlike me, he lives in a large building with an intercom system, so I have to stand outside in the cool evening breeze until he buzzes me in.
