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“Sorry. I'm really late. I gotta go,” I stammer out, quickly stepping to the side before rushing past him.

I get to the end of the hall before I realize I have no idea where Chloe is or where I’m supposed to go. I hesitantly turn to find Westin still standing in the same spot, staring at me, a look of amusement lighting up his perfect features.

Anger seethes through me. After everything it took for me to get over him and move on, if that's what you would call it, the sight of him still holds such power over me. Trying to act completely unaffected, I turn and make my way back toward him, purposely avoiding looking at that perfect mouth, wearing the sexiest damn smirk.

“She's down there. Fourth room on the left,” he says, laughing lightly when I once again avert my gaze.

“Thanks,” I holler over my shoulder as I quickly make my way past him and practically break down the door to where the girls are located, trying to escape the feeling of his eyes on my bare back.

Yet another thing I hate about this stupid dress. Girls with no figure should not wear dresses that dip so low your ass crack is practically hanging out. It's not cute, nor is it comfortable for the person who has to parade around in it all damn day.

My aggravation fades a little when I catch sight of Chloe as I enter the room. She looks more beautiful than I could have ever imagined and suddenly, the eight years that have passed seem like only days.

“Scar!” she squeals when she catches sight of me in the reflection of the floor length mirror she's standing in front of.

It takes only seconds before she’s bounding toward me, her beautiful red curls bouncing with every step she takes.

“I'm so happy you're here,” she says, pulling me into a tight embrace. I wrap my arms around her petite figure and squeeze her fiercely. I didn't realize how much I missed her until this very moment.

We were the best of friends growing up. Our families lived on the same street and from the age of four, when our mom's got us together for our first play date, we were inseparable. Leaving her was hard. Probably one of the hardest parts about leaving in general. Well, second hardest. Instantly, my mind whips back to Westin.

“Why didn't you tell me?” I snap, regaining my earlier frustration as I peel myself from her arms.

“I figured you knew.” She gives me an innocent look, knowing full well what I’m talking about.

“If I had, do you think I’d be here?” I feel bad for coming at her like this, on her wedding day of all days, but seeing Westin has me shaken.

“No, which is why I didn’t bring it up. You never mentioned it so I thought maybe it was a non-issue.”

“Well it most definitely is an issue.” I take a step back, failing to keep my arms from crossing in front of my chest, as if to somehow shield myself from the hurt and pain that is a guarantee whenever Westin is involved.

“Scarlett Elizabeth Ryan. You are my oldest friend. No crazy parents, distance, ormanis going to keep you from being a part of this,” she says, giving me a pathetic, weepy green eyed look I was once very used to seeing. Time has not lessened the effect that look has over me.

“I still can't believe you didn't tell me.” Even though I’m frustrated, I’m not able to fight the smile that pulls up the corners of my mouth as I watch her own smile slide into place. God, I’ve missed her.

“I know. I'm sorry. But hey,” she says, reaching out to give my hand a squeeze. “At least your parents couldn’t make it. And as far as Westin, it's been years. That has to make things a bit easier.”

While I would love to agree with her, the truth of the matter is, when I looked into those breathtaking blue eyes moments ago, I could still feel the lovesick sixteen year old girl inside of me that gave him the last piece of my innocence, only to be left behind like a discarded possession that no longer served a purpose. But she’s not wrong about my parents not being here. Honestly, had they not declined their invite because they were going to be out of town, I don’t think there’s anything Chloe could have said to get me here.

“Come on, let me introduce you to the girls.” She turns and my gaze follows, for the first time registering that there are other people in the room.

The next few minutes fly by. After meeting the other bridesmaids, none of which I’ve met before, with the exception of Stacie, Chloe's sister, we all make our way out of the bridal room and in perfect formation, walk to the doors that lead to the alter.

I take a deep breath and try my best not to fidget with the bouquet of white lilies in my hands. I catch sight of my reflection in the darkly tinted windows to my left and do a once over, assessing the damage that my appearance took in my attempt to get here on time. Despite the rush, the heat, and the fact that I did my hair and makeup in a cab, I don't look nearly as bad as I thought.

My long, light brown hair is pinned up in a twist with natural wavy pieces falling around my face. Surprisingly, it isn’t nearly as frizzy as I expected it to be. Usually, my hair and humidity do not agree but somehow it’s seems relatively tame. I can't see clearly enough to make out my make-up situation but from the looks of things, it seems to have held up quite nicely, all things considered.

Even still, knowing that Westin is here and that I’ll have to endure an entire evening in his presence has my stomach twisted so tightly in knots that I can't quite seem to shake the look of impending doom from my face.

I turn my eyes forward and try my best to steady my breathing. One at a time, the girls are ushered through the door, me being the last one before the Maid of Honor. When it's my turn, I plaster on a fake smile, something I’ve perfected over the years, and turn my focus to making sure I don't fall on my face in front of a church full of people.

Silently cursing Chloe for not only picking the most uncomfortable shoes ever, but for also not telling me about a certain ex I planned to never see again, I make my way to the front of the church without looking for Westin even once, taking my place next to a skinny brunette named Rachel.

As hard as I try though, when everyone else looks toward the entrance where Chloe and her father have just appeared, I find my gaze sweeping the room, finding him sitting in the front row with the groom’s parents.

The moment I realize that he’s looking at me, my heartbeat kicks into double time and my throat feels like it might close off at any moment. I quickly break eye contact and turn my attention toward the bride but even as I do, I can still feel his eyes on me. I can't help but squirm under the heat of his gaze.

It's only one day, I silently remind myself.
