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Finally managing to locate the snooze button, I press it, silence filling the room.

Realizing that I’m alone in bed, I shoot up and look around the dimly lit room. The usually tidy space looks like a tornado went through it. I scour the mess but can't seem to locate any of Westin's clothing in the chaos.

Not again... It’s all I can think.

Peeling myself out of bed, I locate my robe on the floor. Picking it up, I drape it over my shoulders and go in search of Westin. Making my way through the small apartment, it's clear that he’s not here.

Disappointment seeps through me and I immediately start ticking off all the ways I’m going to hurt him if, and when, I ever see him again.

Where did he go?

Why would he leave without saying something?

These are the questions that pound through my head as I wash away the remaining traces of my night with Westin in the shower.

I dress in black leggings and a long gray shirt, leaving my hair to air dry, before deciding to head downstairs to get started on my morning muffins.

Every morning I make fresh muffins, a different flavor for each day of the week. It's become somewhat of a tradition around the bakery and my regular customers have come to expect it.

Today's muffin is Banana Nut, one of my favorites. I usually get started a bit earlier, but considering how slowly I’m moving this morning, my first batch probably won't be ready until after the bakery opens.

Scolding myself for my irresponsible behavior, I skid to a stop when I enter the bakery kitchen.


He didn’t leave...

A smile immediately lights up my face at the sight of him.

Over his outfit from the night before, he's wearing one of my lavender aprons. Although it has only protected his clothing minimally, as he seems to have gotten flour on everything but his head.

“What are you doing?” I laugh. It looks like a fifty pound flour bag has exploded.

“Making you pancakes.” He leans toward me, kissing the top of my forehead before grabbing the spatula from the counter behind me, and making his way to the stove.

“You realize I have food upstairs, right?”

“I couldn’t find any flour and pancakes is basically the only recipe I could find online that seemed easy enough to make.”

I walk up behind him as he attempts to flip his pancakes. I notice almost immediately that he has the temperature set too high, and let's just say he’s clueless when it comes to properly using a spatula, which I didn't even know was possible.

“Here.” I laugh, leaning over to turn the burner down. “You have to do it like this,” I say, taking his hand in mine and guiding him on the proper way to flip the pancake.

I show him twice before releasing his hand and letting him flip the other two. He flips them both with success, then turns a bright smile toward me.

“You're a genius.” He grins, leaning down to place a brief kiss across my lips.

“I know. I can flip one mean pancake. I'm your everyday Einstein,” I say sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

“Well I think you're pretty damn brilliant.” He turns, pulling me into a tight hug.

“Westin, stop.” I giggle, fighting against his arms. “You're getting flour all over me.” I manage to push him away, but not before large patches of flour have transferred from his clothes to mine.

“Beautiful.” His eyes travel the length of my body before once again settling on my face.

“Why didn't you wake me?” I grab a hand towel out of the drawer, doing my best to wipe away some of the flour.

“I wanted to cook you breakfast,” he says simply, turning back around to flip the pancakes again. Smiling behind him, I shake my head and begin pulling out the ingredients for my muffins.
