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Chapter Six

The last two days withWestin have been incredible. But knowing he has to leave today has left me with a hard pit in my stomach that I just can’t seem to shake.

I got so swept up in everything that nothing really seemed to matter until now. I guess being holed up in my apartment with Westin blinded me a bit to the actual reality of the situation.

He still works for my father, which is an issue we have yet to really discuss since our first conversation about it. He lives in California and I live in Maine.

I mean, it's not like we can afford a plane ticket every weekend, or at least I couldn’t for very long, with flights being as expensive as they are. Not to mention, neither of us have the time to spend hours on a plane to turn around and make the same trip back in the same weekend. That's ludicrous.

All things I know we should have thought through before letting this go as far as it has, but at the end of the day, I wouldn't change any of it. I love being with Westin. If there is a way for us to be together, I’m determined to find it.

Westin's cell phone buzzes to life on my nightstand, making me realize that he left it behind when he ran downstairs to get us a snack. I’m having a serious craving for something sweet.

I reach for the phone and flip it over as it continues to buzz in my hand. The nameKatedisplays across the screen with a small thumbnail picture of a girl who looks like she just stepped off a runway.

As tempted as I am to answer it, I can't bring myself to invade his life that way. I let it ring until the voicemail picks up and then toss it down beside me. Not thirty seconds pass before the phone springs to life again. I grumble, picking it up again to see the same name and face flashing across the screen.

Once again I ignore it.

How would I feel if he answered my phone without my knowledge? Honestly, I don't think I would mind. But even still, he should be back any moment, at which time I will simply tell him she called and hopefully he’ll tell me who she is without me having to pry.

When the phone kicks on again almost immediately, I start going back and forth with my decision to not answer. I would be lying if I said I wasn't dying to find out who this picture perfect girl is and why she’s calling Westin relentlessly.

Besides, what if it's an emergency?

The phone goes silent again before it immediately lights up in my hand for the fourth time. “Okay, that's it,” I say aloud, finally deciding to answer, just so whoever this is will stop calling.

“Hello. Westin's phone,” I say, not really sure how to answer someone else's phone.

“Um. Who the hell is this?” a snippy voice bites at me from the other end, making me immediately regret my decision to answer.

“This is Scarlett,” I say, as nicely as I can muster.

“Who the hell are you,Scarlett?” she bites again, this time even nastier than before. This girl may be pretty, but she sure as hell is lacking in the manners department.

“I'm an old friend of Westin's,” I say, not able to hide the apology from my voice. Why the hell do I feel the need to be apologetic and who the hell is this girl anyway?

“Uh huh. Old friend my ass. Where the fuck is that cheating bastard?” she practically screams through the phone.

“Cheating? I'm sorry, who is this?” I stutter out, my heart dropping somewhere in my stomach.

“I’m his fiancée, you fucking whore. Now put his ass on the phone. NOW!” Her voice cuts through the line and I have to pull the phone away from my ear for a moment.

“I'm sorry, he's really not here.” My brain is clouded and fuzzy, nothing about this making sense.


Just as the numbness starts to seep through every inch of my body, the front door swings open and Westin appears in my doorway with a bag of treats in his hand. His smile disappears the moment he registers my expression, and only then do I realize that the woman on the other end of the phone is still yelling obscenities in my ear.

Pulling the phone away, I hold it out to him. His face drains of color like he already knows who it is before he even takes the device from my hand.

“I'm sorry, I answered it.” My emotions bubble in my throat. “She just kept calling and calling and I thought it was an emergency,” I explain, not sure why I feel the need to explain myself.

He should be the one explaining. Like, I don't know, why he never mentioned that he was engaged to another woman.

He takes the phone from my hand, and without breaking his eyes from mine, puts it to his ear.

“Kate, I'm gonna have to call you back.” He ends the call with her still screaming in the background. “Scarlett, I can explain,” he starts immediately, but at this point, I've finally snapped out of my fog and I’m hearing none of it.
