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Without warning, Westin ducks out of my embrace, spinning around so fast I’ve barely registered that he’s moved before he’s standing behind me, his arms around my middle.

“Alright, but just remember you asked for it.” He presses a kiss to my neck before lifting me off the ground.

When he starts to move, it takes me far too long to realize what he’s doing. By the time I finally figure it out, I’m sailing through the air. I hit the water with a loud splash, a slur of laughter and curses on my lips when I kick myself to the surface.


IT'S BEEN THE MOSTamazing three days. Three days filled with intense and beautiful moments. Being with Westin is like being a princess in a fairytale. Every word he says makes my heart pound harder. Every touch makes me crave more. And every look makes me feel like I’m the most precious thing to ever exist. It's overwhelming. It's exhausting. But more than anything, it's incredible.

So, as we walk hand and hand through the airport, I feel like we are slowly making our way toward a split path. One where we will be forced to choose.

The left path is normal, planned, expected. It's the path we were leading to until Chloe's wedding. The right path is full of uncertainty and fear, but when I look down that path I see Westin at the end waiting for me. I know that my choice is made. I know what I want. Now I just need to make sure he wants the same.

When we reach the security gate where only ticket holders can cross, I know that it's now or never. Taking a deep breath in, I say the words that I have been dying to say all weekend.


It's a plea. A weak, desperate attempt to keep him here with me. The one word that says, I want this always, not just here and there.

“Scarlett.” His voice is almost a warning.

Instantly I feel the fear rising up, taking over my body, causing my heart to beat rapidly against my ribs.

I know what he's going to say, and I’m determined not to let that happen. “How long can we keep this up, Westin?”

“Don't do this, Scarlett. We've had an amazing few days, don't ruin it.” His words cut through my core and I have to physically keep myself from buckling over, like he's just delivered a punch straight to my gut.

“I'm not trying to ruin anything. Is it bad that I want you to stay?” I ask, crossing my arms in front of my chest. Sensing my action, he reaches out and pulls my arms away, allowing them to fall back to my sides.

“It's bad that when you look at me that way, I want to stay,” he admits, giving me some small ounce of hope that maybe I haven't lost this battle yet.

“Then stay.” I’m trying so hard not to come across as needy or pushy, but I want so badly for him to do what I’m asking.

“You know I can't.” His words are firm as he looks away. Reaching up, I pull his face back toward me.

“Look at me,” I say, slowly lowering my hands from his face. “Why can't you?” I ask, bracing myself for the answer I know I don't want to hear.

“You know why.” His voice is full of regret.

“Do I? I mean, I get that you don't want to walk away from your job. I get that you have been working very hard and that all that hard work is about to pay off. But I also see what you’re sacrificing.”

“It’s not that simple, Scarlett.” His words snap me out of my desperation and send the anger boiling to the surface. I don’t miss the defensiveness in his tone which instantly puts me on edge.

“Why isn’t it though? What aren’t you telling me?” I lower my voice, ignoring the stares of the people passing around us.

“Nothing.” He won’t meet my eyes.

“Why won’t you look at me when you say that?”

“Come here.” He grabs my forearm and leads me to the far wall. “What do you want from me, Scarlett?” His voice is bordering anger with a hint of desperation.

“I want you,” I state, matter of fact. “I want you to not sacrificeyourlife and whatyouwant for a man like Jonathan Ryan. I want you to choose me.” I fight against the well of tears behind my eyes.

“I’m not giving up anything for him. I just need time. I need to ensure that when I walk away, I have something to walk toward,” he says, roughly pushing his brown hair away from his forehead. For a moment he’s distracted me with how incredibly gorgeous he is.

“You are waiting for something that will never happen. You know that as well as I do. Jonathan will never let you go. You’re his now. You knew the moment that you agreed to work for him that you signed a deal with the devil.” I try to keep the shake from my voice, but the array of emotions running through me make it difficult to have any control at all.

“I belong to no one!” His words bounce off the walls around us and I can tell that I’m pushing him too far, too hard, but I can't stop now. I can't let him walk away without at least hearing what I have to say.
