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“Exactly.” He nods, slow and purposeful.

“Well, whatever your reasons, I really don’t care. Now if you don’t mind, I need to get back inside.” I try to move, but his large frame blocks my attempt. He steps in even closer, the firmness of his muscles pressing into my chest. “Westin, please.” It’s a whispered breath against his lips that are now so close to mine I can practically feel the warmth of them.

“Please what?” His eyes dance with amusement.

He can read my reaction to him. It’s impossible to hide. Especially with the alcohol swimming in my bloodstream, making me weak.

“Let me go.” I force the words out.

“Is that what you want?” He angles his face slightly. “You want to leave?”

“Yes.” The word catches in my throat.

“Your words are saying one thing, but your body tells a different story.” He grins wickedly. I can’t see the action but I can tell by the way his eyes crinkle.

“And what is my body saying?” I stupidly ask.

“It’s saying you want me to kiss you.”

“Well, you’re wrong.”

My heart is hammering so loudly in my chest, there’s no way he can’t hear it thudding against my ribs.

“Am I?” He runs his nose against mine. “Because I think we both know I’m right.”

“I don’t know what game you’re playing at...”

“I’m not playing a game, Scarlett,” he cuts me off.

“Let me go.” I uselessly try to push against his chest but he doesn’t budge.


“Yes,” I grind out, refusing to let him wear me down.

It’s difficult. My head is swimming with the buzz of the champagne and his nearness. A small hitch forward and my lips would be pressed to his. I want it. Of course I do. Because I want him. I’ve never stopped wanting him.

But as the old saying goes, you can’t always get what you want.

“I'm going to kiss you, Scarlett,” he tells me matter of fact. “Right now. Tell me that you want that,” he whispers, his hot breath on my lips causing the ache in my lower belly to grow significantly, completely melting away any fight I have to resist him.

How does he do this? I haven't seen him in ten years, yet my body still reacts to him like it did back then. It doesn't make sense and yet I can’t deny it.

“Have you lost your mind?” I manage to push the words past the lump in my throat.

I haven’t seen this man in ten years. I haven’t spoken to him in ten years. We share one dance and now he thinks he can kiss me, just like that.

I don’t think so.

“Maybe.” He chuckles.

“Why don’t you go in there and kiss one of your many admirers?” I fire back.

“Because I want to kiss you.”

“Well I don’t want to kiss you.” I lie.

“Now who’s playing games?”

“I’m not playing.”

“You can lie all you want, Scarlett. To me. To yourself. To the whole fucking world. But it doesn’t make it true. I see you. I’ve always seen you.”

I don’t have a chance to respond before his mouth crashes down over mine, engulfing me in an instant. Fire sweeps through my veins, heating every inch of my body. And suddenly I’m falling. Falling into the deep dark abyss with no hope of ever resurfacing.
