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“Oh my god, Jamie. You're right. How did I not see it? I’m still letting him control me. He's the reason I acted so rashly and demanded Westin leave it all for me. I was so blinded by avoiding giving him control that I pretty much just handed it to him.”

The more I think about my words, the more I see their truth. My fear of my father is controlling me as if my father were still in my life. Allison and Jonathan Ryan no longer call the shots for me. I’m not their puppet, their project. I am my own person. And damn it, I'm ready to fight for what I want. “You're right.”

“Man, I didn't realize how good that felt.” She smiles, leaning back and closing her eyes. “Say it again.”

“You're right,” I’m not able to contain the giggle that escapes my throat at her ridiculous attempt to pull me out of my head.

“I could get used to hearing that.” She opens her eyes, pinning them directly on me. “So, what are you going to do?”

“I don't know,” I admit, having still not worked it out fully in my mind. “I can't just up and leave Kari without any notice. And then finding Westin once I get there... No idea.” I shrug. “I don't even know where he lives.”

“Then go to the one place you know he will be.”

My heart drops into my stomach.

“I can't.”

“You can't or you won't?” she asks, reminding me of the very question I asked Westin.

“Is there a difference?” I swing my eyes back up to her face. Even in sweats and not an ounce of makeup on, this girl looks runway ready.

“You know the answer to that better than I do.” She takes another drink of her wine. “But I think so.”

“I don't think I could risk it,” I admit. “What happens if I run into my father? What do I do then?”

“You do what needs to be done and then you leave.” She’s making it sound so much simpler than I know it will be.

“But then I risk exposing my and Westin's relationship. If my father knows we’re involved again, there's no telling the lengths he will go to. Westin will never be free of him. Not unless he is willing to give up everything he's spent the last few years working toward.”

“There's no way your father holds that much power.”

“You don't know my father. I’ve seen it firsthand. If Westin acts against him, my father has the power to ruin his name. Westin will never be able to work for a large firm again. He will definitely never find a job anywhere in California or any other major city. Jonathan Ryan has ties all over the world.”

“But Maine?” Jamie cocks a brow.

“No. I mean, I know that he could find a job with a local attorney’s office and probably do okay for himself, but that's not Westin. He's power and control and he wants the best of everything. He would never be happy settling for less than that.”

“Funny. He sounds a lot like your father when you talk about him like that.” She crinkles her forehead, apology laced in her words.

“But he's not,” I say, not sure if I’m trying to convince her or myself.

“Are you sure about that?” She studies me for a long moment.

“Yes. I'm sure.”

“Then maybe he wouldn't mind a quieter life here with you.”

“But then why not walk away from Jonathan when I asked him to?” I voice my question out loud.

“Maybe there's something he's not telling you.”

“That was my gut reaction in the airport. Something isn't adding up. He says he loves me and he wants to be with me and he acts like he’s miserable working for Jonathan, so then why the hesitation to leave?”

“Maybe that's something you need to find out.” Her lips turn up in a mischievous smile. “So what are you going to do about it, Scarlett?”

“I'm going to make him tell me the truth.” I take a deep breath before blowing it out slowly. “I'm going to California.”
