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‘Of course. Thanks for giving me a hand with my guilt-trip venture and for all the painting you’ve done. The room looks better already.’

She was right. A coat of light, bright paint had worked wonders. Liam wiped paint splatters from his hands and carefully placed his brush on a wodge of kitchen towel. ‘You’re welcome. Oh, and you know who might have more information about Morag Macinwhatsit? Belinda.’

‘Belinda, who knows everything about every person in the area?’

‘That’s the one.’

‘I asked your mum about Morag and she didn’t know her, so Belinda is probably my best bet.’

‘She might be in the pub tonight, if you’re going to take up Nessa’s invitation.’

‘I’m not sure. I might be too knackered after working on the house all afternoon.’

‘Nessa will probably march up the cliff and drag you out if you’re a no-show.’ Liam grinned. ‘I’ll see you in the pub, if you make it, and if not, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.’

‘Yep, half past one for eating at two o’clock.’

After a quick goodbye, Liam left her to her decorating and hurried down the cliff path. He’d been at Driftwood House longer than he’d intended and the afternoon was going to be crazily busy.

Earlier this morning, the thought of spending time alone with Rosie, even though he’d been the one daft enough to offer, hadn’t filled him with joy. They hadn’t particularly got on at school so being together for hours was bound to be awkward. But it had been all right, he realised, as his feet dislodged small stones which tumbled over the cliff edge.

At school, Rosie had been a nerd. There was no other word for it. He remembered her watching from the sidelines, never keen to join in, with her head constantly in a book, and always making it clear that Heaven’s Cove wasn’t enough for her.

She was still different from the confident, polished women he was used to, but he didn’t see that as a bad thing any more – he no longer felt like running with the crowd himself. He grinned to himself as he reached the edge of the village. Maybe local lothario Liam Satterley and nerdy Rosie Merchant would end up friends after all. Especially if his mum had anything to do with it.
