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‘I do. He’s called Matt and he lives near me in Spain.’

‘Did he buy you that pretty ring?’

Rosie turned the silver ring on her middle finger. ‘The ring was a Christmas present from Mum, but Matt bought me this dress.’

‘And very lovely you look in it, too. Doesn’t she, Liam?’

Much to Rosie’s relief, Robert piped up before his son had a chance to answer.

‘Why isn’t your young man here?’ he asked, making the table shake as he cut his meat. ‘A young girl like you could do with a bit of support.’

‘Especially with all the work you’re doing at Driftwood House,’ added Pam. ‘I know Liam’s given you a hand but it’s not the same, is it.’

‘Matt would love to be here but I’m afraid work got in the way. He supports me with his phone calls and texts.’

Rosie noticed that she seemed to spend a lot of time justifying her boyfriend’s absence. Work didn’t sound crazy busy whenever they spoke and, truth was, she’d started wondering herself if he could have managed a quick trip to Heaven’s Cove, if he’d really wanted to.

‘How’s the farm doing?’ she asked, keen to move the subject on from missing boyfriends.

‘Liam is doing a grand job.’ Pam gave her son a warm smile. ‘We don’t know what we’d do without him, especially now Bob can’t do so much. But it’s hard work and we’ll never be rich. What about your exciting life in Spain? What’s that like?’

‘It’s hot and busy and fun, most of the time.’

‘I haven’t been to Spain for years but I remember it as very beautiful.’

‘I live in a built-up area but the countryside is gorgeous.’

‘I’m sure it is. Though not as picturesque as Heaven’s Cove, surely?’

‘It’s a different kind of beauty – more awesome than pretty. I’m planning on heading back as soon as I find out what’s happening to Driftwood House.’

‘Why not stay here?’ asked Robert. ‘You and your mum can live together up on the cliff.’

Sorry,mouthed Pam, patting her husband’s hand. ‘Do you remember what I told you about Sofia, Bob?’

‘That’s OK. My life’s not here any more, Mr Satterley. My boyfriend and my friends are in Spain.’

Liam looked up from his lunch and caught Rosie’s eye. ‘You have friends here too – Nessa, Katrina, me.’

Nessa was definitely a friend, Katrina definitely wasn’t, and as for Liam… well, he’d helped her with the house and she was sitting at his lunch table. She and Liam Satterley were friends! Her geeky teenaged self would never have believed it.

She smiled at him while Pam dished yet more potatoes onto her plate.

Much to Rosie’s surprise, she managed to eat all of her lunch, plus a bowl of homemade apple crumble and custard. The rest of the conversation was light – with no mention of her mum, Driftwood House or the Eppings – and, after the morning’s revelations, Rosie relaxed and enjoyed being part of a proper family for a little while. Liam seemed more relaxed too, and thoughts of missing dads and mystery lovers vanished from her head.

‘That was delicious, Pam, and I can’t believe how much I’ve eaten!’ Rosie sat back in her chair and patted her stomach, which seemed to have grown. ‘Thank you so much for inviting me. You must let me help you with the washing up.’

But when she stood up, Pam took her dirty bowl from her and shooed her towards the door. ‘Bob and I will do the clearing up and Liam can take you on a tour of the estate.’

‘Estate?’ Liam laughed. ‘It’s a small farm that Rosie has seen before. But I can show you around if you’d like.’ He frowned at her strappy sandals. ‘Mum’s wellies will probably fit you.’

Liam strode across the fields, with Rosie slapping along beside him in wellies that were far too big. He talked to her about the crops he’d recently harvested and the financial challenge of running the business, and it was all far more interesting than she’d ever imagined.

After a while, he stopped at a five-barred gate and checked it was fastened shut.

‘This is where I like to sit and survey my estate.’ He grinned before climbing up the gate and sitting on top of it. ‘Would you care to join me?’ He held out his hand. ‘Can you manage in that dress?’

Rosie hesitated for a second before grasping his hand and clambering up the gate to sit beside him. ‘It’s a bit wobbly up here.’
