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The car swerved as Rosie turned to stare at Nessa. ‘What do you mean by that?’

‘Bloody hell, watch where you’re going! What I mean is that I saw you and Liam slow-dancing last night.’

‘It was just a dance for old times’ sake,’ said Rosie, keeping her eyes straight ahead and trying to ignore the heat rising in her face.

‘Really? I don’t remember Liam dancing with you like that back in the sixth form. I don’t remember him dancing with the likes of you and me at all.’

‘We weren’t his type.’

‘Which was surprising because most females were, back then. But he seems to like you well enough now.’

‘Liam Satterley is not interested in someone like me, Nessa. I doubt I could even ruffle his feathers.’

‘He honestly isn’t the same person he was at school, you know. That cow Deanna really screwed him over. Jake leaving me was gutting but at least he didn’t humiliate me by doing it in front of everyone.’

Rosie’s heart suddenly ached for Liam, waiting at the altar for a bride who never arrived.

‘What she did was awful but he seems to be OK now.’

‘Like you’re OK?’

Nessa had a point. Rosie was putting a brave face on everything but she still felt rubbish inside. When she didn’t reply, Nessa looked out of the window at the trees lining the road, their branches swishing in the breeze.

‘Though he seems to be getting back on the horse, if you’ll excuse the expression.’

‘What horse?’

‘Katrina, though never,evertell her I called her that. The last time I saw Liam he was all over Katrina. I spotted her leaving the disco last night and was going to beg a lift home but by the time I caught up with her, she and Liam were snogging in the street and wandering off hand in hand so I left them to it.’

When the car swerved up the grass verge, Nessa gripped the sides of her seat.

‘Are you sure you saw Liam kissing Katrina in the street?’

‘Yep, full on, tongues and everything. Um, slow down. It’s thirty miles an hour on this road.’

Rosie eased her foot off the accelerator and tried to catch her breath. Liam was a free agent so why did this feel like yet another betrayal?

‘What about Katrina’s boyfriend?’ she asked, keeping her voice level.

‘He’s at some conference abroad, apparently.’

‘So she and Liam slept together behind his back? I thought you said Liam was different from how he was at school.’

‘He is, but she’s been throwing herself at him shamelessly. You must have noticed.’

‘Not really,’ lied Rosie, trying to focus on the road, her concentration shot to pieces. She’d thought Liam was different these days. She’d even imagined she might have feelings for him. But he was still the sort of man who cheated and deceived people.

‘Hey, you’re going to miss Gran’s house. Turn left here, into the lane.’

Rosie’s bag shot across the back seat and dropped onto the floor when she screeched around the corner on two wheels.

Nessa, still gripping the sides of her seat, nodded at a small cottage. ‘That’s the one.’

‘It’s very pretty,’ said Rosie, slamming her foot on the brake and juddering to a halt.

‘Outside, it’s all thatched roof and roses round the door. Inside, it’s full of draughts and wall-to-wall spiders, but Lily loves it. Anyway, thanks for the lift, Rosie.’

‘Would you and Lily like a lift home?’

‘Nope. We’re good, thanks.’

Nessa couldn’t get out of the car fast enough. She raced up the garden path as Lily flung open the front door and ran outside. The young girl threw herself at Nessa’s legs and clung on like a limpet until Nessa stooped down to give her a hug.

Seeing them together made Rosie’s eyes prickle and she sat motionless in the car after they’d disappeared into the cottage. Being tied down by family responsibilities was best avoided. That was what she’d told herself for the last decade. Yet here she was getting all upset over a mother and child sharing a hug.

Was it because she’d never hug her own mum again? Or because, although Jake was absent much of the time, at least Lily knew exactly who her mum and dad were? She wouldn’t grow up with secrets that ambushed her when she was least expecting it. Secrets that would retain their power until they were out in the open.

Hardly able to see through her tears, Rosie pulled away and started heading for Dartmoor. It was time to find out the truth about her parents.
