Page 76 of Monster's Bride

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I glare at the side of her face as we step through the first set of doors and only look away when it’s time to climb the stairs. How can she possibly blame their imprisonment on me when I stuck my neck out for them? They’d probably be dead now if I hadn’t.

When we reach the top of the stairs, I wheel on her, stopping her short. Her eyes climb my body slowly, and her cheeks turn pink. My adrenaline picks up as my anger flares, and I exhale sharply through my nose.

“That’s not fair, and you know it,” I growl. “Keep taking my kindness for granted, and I’ll be sure to withhold it next time.”

The way her heart skips a beat is easily audible, and she swallows hard as she continues to stare me down. If she were any other woman, I’d expect her wilt under the pressure, but I know her better than that. She’s fiery and stubbornly argumentative. That’s what makes her so damn attractive.

“I apologize if my kindness looks different that yours,” she snaps, placing her hands firmly on her tiny waist. “But if the only shred of comfort I can give my people is my time, then that’s what I’ll do. I don’t care if it’s not appropriate.”

Without waiting for a reply, she skirts around me and carries on down the hall. I turn and stare after her, grumbling incoherently under my breath, and then I hurry to catch up with her.

“I get that, Irissa, but my family won’t understand. You’re a princess and they’re prisoners–”

“They’re innocent,” she snaps.

I groan, massaging my temple to soothe the headache she’s giving me. “Potentially, but look at how you’re dressed. You look like a commoner and we’re about to plead your case to my father.”

The corners of her mouth sag, and she looks down at her outfit. Granted, she doesn’t have time to rush off and change, but if she hadn’t been down in the dungeons in the first place, she would have already been dressed decently.

“Your sister wears stranger things,” she says with a shrug and raises her chin. “It’ll be fine.”

I sigh heavily and give up. Arguing with her obviously isn’t going to change her mind.

“Fine. Ignore me,” I groan. “But at least listen to this: When my father questions your friends, don’t speak unless you’re addressed. Do you understand? Angering him could make him less sympathetic to your plight.”

Her eyes flash over to me briefly before she stares ahead again. “I understand. What happens if he finds them innocent?”

“More than likely he’ll let them go,” I say. “But they’ll probably have to leave for good measure.”

“That’s fine, as long as they’re safe.” She works her jaw, and I can tell she’s thinking. “What happens if he deems them guilty?”

My stomach drops as my eyes flick to the prisoners ahead of us. They walk with a confident air about them, their heads held high. I hope for Irissa’s sake that’s a sign of their innocence. If they’re guilty, it might jeopardize our entire alliance with Hyatt. This could be their final walk before their execution, but I can’t tell Irissa that.

She might get away with sassing me because her feisty attitude turns me on, but my father would never tolerate insolence.

“Let’s just hope that’s not the case.”

Our footsteps echo around the throne room as we file our way down the middle of the hall, accompanied by the occasional clank of metal restraints. The prisoners are led at spearpoint to the end before the thrones, and the escorting guard shoves them to their knees. Irissa gasps, but I grab her hand and drag her to the side to observe. Oryx joins us and stands on my other side.

For a moment, everything is silent.

Then my father’s booming voice crashes through the air. “You’ve been brought before me accused of crimes against the crown of Ulleh, including conspiracy to kidnap the former princess of your kingdom. How do you plead?”

This is the easy part. Once they claim their innocence, then the hard work will begin: convincing my father why they should be pardoned. I don’t know what was discussed during the many hours that Irissa spent with them, but I hope it was a plan to get their story straight.

“Guilty, Your Highness,” the redhead declares.

The blood drains from my face, and my jaw falls slack.

“Darsan, no!” Irissa screams. She bursts forward, but my reflexes kick in and I’m able to grab her before she makes it far. I clap a hand over her mouth, stifling any further objections, and hold her still as she fights against me.

“Hush,” I hiss in her ear.

My heart pounds ruthlessly as I watch in shock. Even my father seems speechless as he stares silently down at the prisoners. Thankfully for everyone present, he doesn’t appear to be in a bad mood. Otherwise, he would have already handed down the sentence. He rubs his hand along his chin in thought while Irissa writhes in my arms, but I make no effort to loosen my hold on her. The guard has sealed his fate and possibly hers. All that’s left to do now is listen.

“And you,” my father says, looking at the other man. “How do you plead?”

He hesitates for a moment, clearing his throat unsteadily. He doesn’t have near the gall of the redhead.
